Search Results for : trump biden

Biden team to spend $50 million on a new anti-Trump campaign

The commercial includes court images of the former president, who is described as a "convicted criminal."


Trump and Biden: The least-liked presidential candidates in the last 30 years

When they ran against each other in 2020, 13% of Americans had an unfavorable view of both candidates. Now, that number has risen to 25%.


The rules for the first debate between Trump and Biden come to light, although RFK Jr. could still participate

The presidential candidates will compete in the city of Atlanta in the CNN studios, where they will be moderated by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.


Trump celebrates his 78th birthday in front of a large crowd in Florida and promises to “end Joe Biden's war on cryptocurrencies”

When the former president took the stage, the crowd sang “Happy Birthday” and chanted “USA! USA!"


Trump is the favorite for The Economist: The newspaper's statistical model gives him twice the probability of winning the elections over Biden

Four years ago, the same prediction system had given the Democrat an 83% chance of winning the Presidency. He wasn't wrong.