Search Results for : antisemitism
Opinion Politics

AOC and progressives can’t hide their role in stoking antisemitism

The liberal Jewish establishment applauded her condemnation of extreme haters. But the roots of the current surge run deep in leftist ideology.

Opinion World

Palestinianism Began with Nazism And Today Is Based on Antisemitism, Sexism, Homophobia and Denial of Human Rights. So Why Is the Left So in Love with It?

Left-wing students do not demonstrate in favor of the Kurds, the Uyghurs, Iranian dissidents or Syrian victims of genocide. There are more demonstrations on behalf of Palestinians than for Ukrainian victims of Russian aggression.


Netanyahu to the International Criminal Court: Its decision "adds fuel to the flame of antisemitism in the world"

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacted in a powerful video to the requests made by the attorney general of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim Khan, to issue arrest warrants against Netanyahu, the Israeli Defense Minister, and at the same


Harvard willfully ignored concerns about antisemitism on campus, report reveals

"The truth is, we have felt helpless," a Jewish Harvard student told Voz Media due to rising antisemitism.


Hillary Clinton exposes antisemitism within the Democratic Party by attacking pro-Hamas protesters

The former presidential candidate assured that the students who participated in university protests "do not know much about the history of the Middle East."