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Senator Rand Paul says the US has become the "sugar daddy" of the world

"It’s sort of bizarre that we fund both sides of every war,” said Senator Rand Paul.

Rand Paul


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“I don’t think we should always have to pay for everything. When did we become the sugar daddy of the world? We’ve got to pay for everything.” Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) said in an interview on Fox Business.

The Republican strongly criticized the Biden administration’s request that seeks more than $100 billion in funding that would go not only to assist other countries, including Ukraine and Israel, but to supposedly try to deal with the crisis on the southern border and other national security issues. The Senator assured that the money requested by the current administration will not solve the problem on the southern border, explaining that the problem is not a lack of funds but the lack of will of President Biden.

He also pointed out that the president’s actions speak much louder than his words. It is worth remembering that Biden has ordered federal Border Patrol agents to break and remove the razor wire installed on the southern border, which was part of the plan being carried out by Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas. Abbott has repeatedly decried that the state of Texas is overwhelmed with the number of immigrants it receives daily.

Senator Rand Paul explained that the money that the Biden administration is asking for is to process migrants and not to stop or mitigate the migratory flow.

Regarding the money that would go abroad, the Senator stated, “The other thing that’s going to happen in this Ukraine bill, this is going to be $11 billion worth of humanitarian assistance, some of that goes to Ukraine, but some of that’s going to Gaza.” “And it’s not clear exactly how much is going to go to the Palestinians, but it’s sort of bizarre that we fund both sides of every war.”

“Gaza is being destroyed, but who’s going to pay for it? They expect to us pay for it. And I don’t want a penny going to Hamas or any of these people,” the Senator said, later stating that the United States has become the “sugar daddy” of the world and that the country should not be tasked with cleaning up and repairing each country after a war.

“I don’t think we should always have to pay for everything. When did we become the sugar daddy of the world? We’ve got to pay for everything.”

The Republican also took the opportunity to refer to Nikki Haley and the webpage he recently launched against her campaign: nevernikki.net. He assured that he has nothing personal against her, but that the former governor of South Carolina wants to send large amounts of money to other countries and that we cannot be the “world’s policeman.”

He added that although they have made millions of people aware of the initiative on social networks, the message is not getting through to the former ambassador. Therefore, he is considering changing the name from “Never Nikki” to “never, ever, ever, Nikki.”
