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Israel investigates the death of 21 reservists in Gaza after they were attacked and two buildings collapsed on them

Both buildings had previously been mined by the Israeli army for demolition and an armored vehicle accompanying the troops was attacked with an anti-tank missile just before the collapse.

Israeli soldiers next to an armored vehicle in Gaza,


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A spokesman for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed the death of 21 reserve soldiers when two buildings in which the military were operating collapsed. Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari indicated that the causes of the collapse of the floors is being investigated, although he noted that just before the collapse, there had been an attack with an anti-tank missile on an armored vehicle that was next to the troops. Both buildings had been mined by the Israeli army for demolition.

"Create security conditions for the return of the inhabitants"

In a press conference, Hagari reported that the troops were near Kisufim, in an area that separates the Israeli settlements in Gaza, about 600 meters from the border. The mission of the soldiers deployed was "the removal of terrorist buildings and buildings" in that area to "create security conditions for the return of the inhabitants of the south to their homes."

According to what we know so far, around 4:00 p.m., terrorists apparently fired an RPG missile at a tank guarding the force, and at the same time an explosion occurred in two two-story buildings, which collapsed while that most of the forces were within and near them. The buildings apparently exploded as a result of the mines that our forces placed on them and were about to blow up the buildings, the terrorist infrastructure in the area. We are still investigating the details of the incident and the cause of the explosion.

"Until absolute victory"

As soon as the event became known, rescue teams moved to the area to help the soldiers and commanders already present to locate and rescue as many survivors as possible, as well as the bodies of the deceased. A task that Hagari described as "very complicated" and that lasted until the last hours of the day. The spokesperson announced that they would publish the names of the fallen as their identities were confirmed, as well as the conclusions of the ongoing investigation to clarify what happened.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lamented the deaths of the soldiers on Twitter and insisted on an ongoing investigation to clarify the facts, in addition to insisting that "in the name of our heroes, for the sake of our lives, we will not stop fighting until absolute victory."

Yesterday we lived one of the most difficult days since the outbreak of war. I wish to strengthen the beloved families of our heroic warriors who fell on the battlefield. I know that for these families their lives will change forever. I cry for our heroic fallen soldiers. I hug the families in their time of need and we all pray for peace for our wounded. The IDF has launched an investigation into the disaster. We must draw the necessary lessons and do everything possible to preserve the lives of our warriors. In the name of our heroes, for the sake of our lives, we will not stop fighting until absolute victory.