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Soros, Inc.: the Hungarian tycoon's transfer of power to his son Alexander is underway

George Soros announced that his youngest son would take over part of his empire. His son began the job by firing 40% of the Open Society Foundations staff.

George Soros y Alexander Soros

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Open Society Foundations (OSF), a company founded by George Soros, announced that it will cut 40% of its workforce in the coming months. The layoffs come just as the tycoon revealed that he would delegate control of the company (in which he has invested more than $30 billion and funded multiple progressive causes) to his 37-year-old son Alexander.

OSF had more than 500 employees by the end of 2021. A statement signed by Alexander Soros noted that the company's board of directors approved the "significant changes to the Foundations' operating model." These include a "substantial reduction in headcount" of employees, as revealed by Bloomberg.

Message From the Board of D... by Verónica Silveri

In the statement, it is claimed that the changes are "intended to maximize Open Society’s impact in helping to counter the forces currently threatening open and free societies." This statement relates to recent comments by Alexander Soros, who stated that despite being "more political" than his father, he plans to continue using the company and its funds to support his interests (including expanding abortion rights):

As much as I would love to get money out of politics, as long as the other side does it, we will have to do it too.

Soros' global influence and Alexander's impact on OSF

George Soros is known for giving millions of dollars in donations through OSF to candidates and political parties, progressive prosecutors, media and left-wing organizations to influence U.S. and global politics. Among some of his feats:

- He has funded more than 250 global media outlets and progressive activist organizations.

- He has an extensive network of prosecutors in more than 30 states of the country who he has financed to implement his leftist ideology and exercise control in the judicial sphere.

-He donated more than any one person to Democrats in 2022 (over $128 billion).

In the announcement of the layoffs of nearly half of OSF's workforce, it is evident that Alexander, with his first major move as boss, promises to carry on the company's legacy. However, the impact of Soros the son (known as an eccentric playboy for throwing luxurious parties in his mansions) can be much more abrasive than that of his father.

Tom Fitton, president of the Judicial Watch group, warned that Alexander Soros has "enormous political influence in the Biden administration." He is known as the George Soros' de facto ambassador to the White House. He has held more than a dozen meetings with officials in Washington. In addition, he has been seen repeatedly with President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, former President Barack Obama and other top Democrats.

Also following in his father's footsteps, he has given large sums of money to progressive causes. He has donated more than $11 million to progressive political action committees.
