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Soros' information network has the power to "mold public opinion on practically every continent"

The tycoon has connections to 253 activist and media organizations thanks to his "multimillion-dollar efforts" to fund them.

Imagen subida por Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung a Flickr el 20 de marzo de 2014 durante la comparecencia de George Soros en la Krise in der Ukraine und die Europäische Union.


A report by Media Researcher Center Business (MRCB) noted that tycoon George Soros has the power to "mold public opinion on practically every continent" in the world. The mega-donor has connections to 253 global media and activist organizations through his "multimillion-dollar efforts" to fund them:

His global media clout is massive. An extensive analysis by MRC Business discovered at least 253 news and activist media organizations across the world financed by Soros’ philanthropic organizations. These groups wield massive power over information in international politics.

"Money talks"

The report, entitled Propaganda Czar: Soros Bankrolls 253 Groups to Influence Global Media, alleges that the main motive for establishing these connections is to promote an "'open society' agenda" some of the most radical leftist ideas on abortion, Marxist economics, anti-Americanism, defunding the police, environmental extremism and LGBT fanaticism."

Money talks. What is clear is that nonprofits that need resources to keep the lights on will accept the offer of their donors who provide their salaries (...) That is what we have seen with these 253 Soros-funded organizations. These people in these organizations do the bidding on a daily basis.

Soros' relationship with the media is a key point in his mission, since, these connections make him look friendlier to journalists worldwide, who cannot even think of having him as "an investigative target":

When you look at the media landscape, most seem to be talking about the same songbook (...) Their attacks on ordinary Americans seem coordinated and intentional (...) We are finding that a lot of money coming from Soros is going to these actors around the world (...) They have a coordinated attack on freedom and on values.

MRCB commercial vice president Dan Schneider said that "the public needs to understand that democracy can only exist if individuals fulfill their responsibility."

The American public must understand that if they do not wake up and take action, then George Soros, and people like George Soros, will win, and their worldview will be implemented.

Donations of millions of dollars

Some of the organizations labeled as Soros-influenced are:

- Project Syndicate: self-described as "The World's Opinion Page," the publication received $1,532,105 from Soros between 2016-2020. It has a "global audience" that includes "prominent politicians, policymakers, scholars, business leaders, and civic activists from six continents" and "over 140 heads of state." Its publications appeared in 156 countries in 2021 alone.

- The Poynter Institute: Described as "Soros' 'gold standard' for liberal journalism gatekeeping" and a "global leader in journalism," Soros donated $492,000 to fund it. The institute has a network that works with "fact-checking organizations worldwide". It restricts opinions on topics such as abortion, transsexuality, COVID-19 and Marxist economics. In addition, it works to "censor users" on platforms and media outlets such as Facebook, Instagram, and as fact checkers for the Associated Press, FactCheck.org, Dispatch, The Washington Post and PolitiFact.

-OpenDemocracy: "The outlet pushes extreme leftist content masquerading as journalism." Soros donated $1,633,457 to the outlet between 2016 and 2020. It promotes transgender ideology in children, anti-Christian propaganda, climate radicalism and antisemitism. It boasts that it "attracts more than 11 million visits per year" and publishes in several languages: Russian, Spanish, Portuguese and English.

- Media Democracy Fund: The Soros-funded giant dedicated to fueling "social justice" received $3,520,000 from the tycoon between 2016 and 2020. Its so-called "Disinformation Defense League" (DDL) urges the government to fund journalism, "to fully combat the problems of disinformation, hate and other malign practices online."

"The most dangerous man in America"

In an article in The New York Post, journalist Matt Palumbo describes Soros as "the most dangerous man in America" who "is intent on remaking the country to his liberal image." He further explains how he uses fact-checking to make sure that "no one disagrees with [him]."

It’s not enough for George Soros to fund the media and encourage stories that back up his point of view — he has to make sure no one disagrees with it.

Palumbo says that last year, Soros partnered with Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, to financially back Good Information Inc., a company that was born to combat "disinformation":

Branding anything that goes counter-narrative as “disinformation” has become the left’s latest strategy to fight anything that threatens their spin, and Soros has taken note.

The writer believes the reason why Soros and other progressive groups have "weaponized fact-checking" is because it allows them to pressure social networks and media outlets to censor any news they don't like.

Major Democratic donor

Soros was the top donor to Democratic candidates during the 2022 midterm elections, CNBC reported. He donated more than $128 million through his progressive Democracy II SuperPAC.

Through his organizations he has also influenced Democratic campaigns. Open Society Foundations gave $220 million to racial justice boards during the summer of 2020.

The Open Society Foundation, the Poynter Institute, Project Syndicate and Media Democracy Fund did not respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation's request for comment.
