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George Soros' son, his "ambassador" to the White House

Alexander Soros has easy access to Joe Biden's official residence. In 2022 alone, he made 12 visits that included meetings with top world officials.

George Soros y Alexander Soros

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Alexander Soros, son of tycoon George Soros, has become a de facto White House ambassador, making constant visits to Joe Biden's official residence on behalf of his father's organizations since the president took office.

The New York Post reported that between 2021 and 2022, Alexander Soros, who chairs the grants network Open Society Foundations and is a fundraiser for the Democratic Party, held more than a dozen meetings with officials in Washington, according to the records updated White House visitors.

Tom Fitton, president of the group Judicial Watch noted that getting about 14 meetings at the White House in just over a year suggests that the younger Soros has "an outsize policy influence in the Biden administration."

Don’t be distracted by Alex’s name in the visitor log; it’s a George Soros rep they’re looking to meet with at the Biden White House…He’s still calling the shots, it’s his money, his foundations.

Meetings with senior officials at the White House

Some of the 37-year-old Alexander Soros' meetings were with world leaders, including French President Emmanuel Macron at a dinner hosted by First Lady Jill Biden. He also met with Kimberly Lang, then executive assistant to the national security advisor. White House records show Soros' extensive list of meetings with senior officials.

In 2022:

  • Mariana Adame, Advisor to Councilor Steve Ricchetti (x2).
  • Jon Finer, Deputy National Security Advisor.
  • State dinner at South Lawn for French President Emmanuel Macron.
  • Nina Srivastava, advisor to then Chief of Staff Ron Klain (x2).
  • Jon Finer, Deputy National Security Advisor (x2).
  • Kimberly Lang, executive assistant to the National Security Advisor.
  • Madeline Strasser, advisor to then-Chief of Staff Ron Klain.

In 2021:

  • Jon Finer.
  • Madeline Strasser.

Although Alexander Soros likes to brag about his relationships with world leaders on social media, he does not disclose information about the nature of these relationships.

"All over the White House, there's a Soros somewhere"

Matt Palumbo, author of "The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros," commented in an interview with the New York Post that the Soros family's influence in the White House has never been stronger:

All throughout the White House, there is a Soros hold somewhere, and his son is his father’s new ambassador.

Mike Howell, director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, warned that Alexander Soros' easy access to the White House is troubling considering that the Soros family has already "done tremendous damage to our country."

he Soros agenda is one of death and destruction in the name of open borders and ending Western Civilization. ... The Biden administration and rogue prosecutor movement may be [its] most damaging purchase in America to date.

Donations and public profile

Soros' son individually donated more than $11 million to progressive political action committees. His Instagram account shows his close relationship with Senator Chuck Schumer. He appears alongside the senator in at least nine social media posts since 2018.

The account also highlights photos with his father and with former President Barack Obama.

Photos are also seen with Vice President Kamala Harris and other prominent Democrats at fundraisers and other events.

Scott Walter, president of the think tank Capital Research Center, told the Washington Examiner that "Like his father, [Alexander] cozies up to White House and congressional leaders willing to do the family's bidding on such issues as crime, immigration, election policy, and more."

The Soroses exploit every type of giving: money to parties, independent expenditure groups, and so-called "charities." ... No wonder former staffers and grantees of their foundations, donor groups, and lobbying shops are found throughout the Biden administration, from the State Department to the Domestic Policy Council.
