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Nikki Haley gets endorsement from influential Koch brothers

The Americans for Prosperity Super PAC backs the former South Carolina governor as the Republican Party's presidential candidate.

La exgobernadora de Carolina del Sur y candidata republicana, Nikki Haley.

(Cordon Press)

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Nikki Haley has built significant support ahead of the 2024 Republican primaries. Americans for Prosperity (AFP), a Super PAC led by the Koch brothers, will back the presidential campaign of the former South Carolina governor, in an attempt to defeat other candidates such as Donald Trump in the pre-election race of the Republican Party.

AFP announced it will endorse Haley for the Republican primary on its X account (previously Twitter), claiming that she "represents a new generation of conservative leaders":

"[AFP] is proud to be throwing the full weight and scope of its grassroots operation behind Nikki Haley to help her become the next President of the United States. That effort will begin with a multimillion-dollar ad campaign launching this week in all early and several Super Tuesday states calling on Americans to unite behind Haley’s positive vision to turn the page on today’s broken politics and move our country forward," said the Super PAC in statements reported by Fox News.

AFP announced that it would support an alternative candidate to Trump

It is no surprise that AFP has decided to endorse Haley and not Trump. In February, the executive director of the Super PAC, Emily Seidel, stated that it is time for a Republican candidate to represent "a new chapter in 2025." The group opposes Republican candidates like the former president.

The polls indicate that Haley doesn't have much of a chance of beating Trump to be the Republican candidate. In fact, the polls usually place the former governor of South Carolina in third place, behind the governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis. Still, others believe that Vivek Ramaswamy has a better chance than Haley. Despite this, the Koch brothers and their Super PAC are backing her with the hope that she will be the next President of the United States.
