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MAGA calls for DeSantis' impeachment for his "shadow presidential campaign"

The pro-Trump Super PAC filed a brief with the Florida Ethics Commission denouncing the governor's "illegal conduct."

Ron DeSantis y Donald Trump

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A super PAC close to former President Donald Trump called Make America Great Again (MAGA) Inc. called for the impeachment of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for his "shadow presidential campaign." In a letter sent to the Florida Ethics Committee, MAGA charged that DeSantis' latest actions are aimed to "amass significant personal wealth and political capital" to achieve the Republican nomination as the conservative candidate for the White House.


"Illegal gifts"

In the brief, MAGA charges that DeSantis, "in concert with certain associated political committees, political consultants, and a 501(c)(4) organization, has solicited and received millions of dollars’ worth of illegal gifts in violation of Florida State ethics laws and the Florida Constitution." The super PAC further emphasizes that if the Ethics Committee does not act "in an urgent manner," the governor "will continue violatiing the law accepting additional gifts that are clearly intended by self-interested organizations" as he aims to resign as governor and announce his candidacy for the federal presidency.

Specifically, MAGA denounces that the governor is allegedly committing the following violations:

(1) Section 112.313(2), Florida Statutes (prohibition on solicitation and acceptance of gifts).

(2) Article II, Section 8(h)(2) of the Florida Constitution with its unlawful intent evidenced by its violations of the Federal Campaign Finance Act of 1971, Section 112.31485, Florida Statutes. (prohibition against gifts from political committees) and Section 112.3215 of the Florida Statutes (prohibition on accepting illegal payments from lobbyists).

(3) Section 112.313(6), Florida Statutes (prohibition against misuse of public office).

4) Section 112.313(7), Florida Statutes (prohibition against employment or contractual relationships). contractual relationships).

MAGA calls for "most severe" punishment for DeSantis

The organization demands that, if convicted, the committee impose "the most severe penalties permitted" by Florida statutes upon the governor. "This includes, without limitation, one or more of the following: (a) impeachment; (b) removal from office; (c) public censure; (d) ballot disqualification; and (e) payment of fines, in certain cases, equaling three times the value of the illegal gift."

The super PAC stresses that DeSantis' latest actions are illegal because they "serve his personal interests ... at the expense of Florida taxpayers" as he plans to resign from his current office in pursuit of "national prominence."

Governor DeSantis is already a de facto candidate for President of the United States under federal election laws. Governor DeSantis’s failure to declare his candidacy is no mere oversight; it is a coordinated effort specifically designed for him to accept, as unethical gifts, illegal campaign contributions and certain personal benefits that are necessarily intended to influence his official decision to resign from office under Florida’s resign to run law. Governor DeSantis’s hamhanded maneuverings have rendered him irreparably conflicted and have left the statehouse vacant.

Abandonment of the Florida Legislature

Another accusation made by MAGA is that the governor has abandoned the current legislature because of his trips to other states to promote his book. "DeSantis will be far away from Tallahassee during the current legislative session and instead be on a national book tour to enrich himself and promote his presidential candidacy," the letter criticizes.

MAGA exposes in their letter what they consider "strong evidence" of DeSantis' "shadow presidential campaign." The super PAC claims that the governor has met with "influential figures" and is "vetting operatives" in early primary states. The letter further add that individuals close to DeSantis launched an NGO 501 (c) (4), which can act as a political lobbyist and has a tax exemption, "to support his presidential candidacy by sponsoring his events in New York, Philadelphia and Chicago," in what appears to be a reference to the governor's recent pro-police tour.

Response from the DeSantis team

The letter also alleges that DeSantis "has met with individuals who are likely to play key roles in his presidential campaign." It also accuses his committee, Friends of Ron DeSantis, of making "inappropriate expenditures aimed at a national audience," allegedly violating campaign finance laws.

Although DeSantis has not made any statements about the letter, his communications director, Taryn Fenske, downplayed the importance of the complaint. He said he is "adding this to the list of frivolous and politically motivated attacks," he told Breitbart, before criticizing MAGA because "it is inappropriate to use state ethics complaints for partisan purposes."
