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Trump promises Michigan will witness Detroit's 'economic renaissance' after failed Democratic policies

The former president's promise is ambitious, especially considering that a century has passed since the start of Detroit's demographic, economic and industrial boom in the 1920s.

Donald Trump in Detroit, MichiganJim Watson / AFP

Former President Donald Trump went to Michigan on Friday, one of seven key states in these presidential elections of 2024, to promise voters that they will witness the "economic renaissance" of his flagship city of Detroit.

"Anyone who ransacked you and abused you will discover very quickly America will not be taken advantage of anymore. We were taken advantage of for years, for decades. We will reclaim our stolen wealth and the days of Detroit's economic glory will return greater and stronger than ever before, promise," Trump told a crowd. "And I know how to do it. How do I know how to do it? I will put Detroit first, I will put Michigan first and I will put America first and that's the way it is."

The former president's remarks came as his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, also made a tour of the swing state which, at the moment, is in the red due to the extreme parity between the two candidates according to the most recent polls.

During his speech, Trump took the opportunity to criticize Harris because of the decline in auto sales and the jobs lost in the manufacturing sector during her tenure as vice president. He also criticized the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and China's entry into the World Trade Organization.

"40% of Michigan auto jobs were annihilated after NAFTA and China's entry into the World Trade Organization was a disaster for your beautiful place, your beautiful city, and frankly, your beautiful state," Trump said.

"Detroit was decimated. It's right. Detroit was decimated as if by a foreign army. It was no difference. Our factories were left in ruins and under Kamala Harris this year alone, the United States has lost nearly 50,000 manufacturing jobs. You know, they're doing a terrible job," the former president continued.

"US car sales are down 38% since I left office. But with victory in November, we're going to take back what is ours and it is ours. We're going to take it back. We're going to bring back our jobs, our dignity and our dreams. And standing before you tonight, I am proclaiming to the people of this state that by the end of my term, the entire world will be talking about the Michigan miracle and the stunning rebirth of Detroit."

It could be said that Trump's promise is ambitious to say the least. Objectively speaking, it's been a century since the start of Detroit's demographic, economic and industrial boom in the 1920s. At that time, the most important city in Michigan -and one of the largest in the Midwest-, Detroit was an example to the world for the development of its automotive industry by the hand of historic companies such as Ford and General Motors.

However, after several solid and thriving decades, the city saw how the industry that saw its birth left it in oblivion, with lots of factories being moved to surrounding cities or districts. This reconfiguration of industry turned Detroit into an abandoned and depressed city, with no labor supply, demographic problems and an almost irreparable racial problem that ended up exploding in 1967, after the historic social outbreak that culminated with the looting of 2,500 stores and 400 burned buildings.

From there, Detroit became a failed city where most of its population began to depend on state jobs; with little to no private investment and a large fiscal deficit; a malady that afflicted the city for many years and forced the inhabitants to abandon the city in droves, leaving the urban areas empty and dull.

Now Trump proposes to recover the greatness of Detroit, a city that has often been shown to the world as "the failure" of the capitalist system, but which is nothing more than the faithful demonstration of the structural problems generated by the government itself through irresponsible practices in fiscal terms.

"Detroit has such great potential, but Kamala and the Democrats have been wreaking havoc on this place, this very, very, in many respects, it's a sacred place. So many things happened in Detroit and it's been treated so badly. And they've been talking about comebacks for so long, but we're going to bring it back better than it ever was better than it was many, many years ago. We're going to make Detroit great again," the Republican candidate promised.

"For generations, this city and state were the world capital of automotive production and one of the great manufacturing centers in all of history. No matter where you went, this was the greatest in all of history. But year after year, globalist politicians like crooked Joe Biden, lying Kamala Harris, sold you out and let other countries loot, pillage and plunder our wealth, our jobs and our dreams. And they did that here more than any other place in our country."
