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More than fifty former Democratic officials call on Biden to step down from presidential candidacy

"It is the time to pass the mantle of leadership and we respectfully urge you to do so," states the letter signed by former ambassadors, former members of the diplomatic corps and former Homeland Security officials.

Joe Biden el 16 de julio de 2024

Joe Biden at the College of Southern Nevada in Las Vegas, Nevada.Kent Nishimura / AFP.

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A total of 56 former Democratic officials signed an open letter urging President Joe Biden to give up his presidential bid, as they do not believe he has a chance of beating Donald Trump.

The letter, which includes former ambassadors, former members of the diplomatic corps and former national security officials, begins by expressing appreciation for Biden's years of political service. However, it also notes that current concerns about his candidacy and the growing possibility of a Trump victory in the electoral college put Biden's purported national security accomplishments, as well as the future of the country and his legacy, at risk.

"Donald Trump’s vision, approach, and expressed intentions concerning our nation’s security are in fundamental conflict with the values and principles for which you have stood … We strongly believe that now is the time to pass the mantle of leadership and we respectfully urge you to do so," the text states.

Main organizers and signatories

Among the main organizers of the letter are Eric Schwartz and John Shattuck, both former senior State Department officials. Shattuck, who also served as ambassador, and Schwartz, who worked on the White House National Security Council, have managed to gather several dozen signatures from prominent former national security officials as of Thursday morning.

Sending the petition to the White House

The petition, which has gathered significant support in just a few hours, will be sent to the White House this Friday. The signers hope their message will resonate with the Biden Administration and the Democratic Party, urging them to seriously consider the current situation and the possible consequences of pursuing Biden's candidacy.

Concerns about Biden's candidacy

The move by the former officials comes against a backdrop of growing skepticism among Democratic ranks about the viability of Biden's candidacy. According to a recent poll by The Economist/YouGov, a weighty 51% of responders believe the president should abandon his re-election aspirations. Moreover, within the Democratic electorate, an overwhelming 79% believe that Vice President Kamala Harris would be a more suitable choice to lead the party's ticket.
