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Poll: Most Democrats pick Kamala Harris to replace Biden

Most Democratic Party voters see the vice president as more likely to defeat Trump than the president, according to those surveyed. 

Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, during a rally.Cordon Press

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Given the wave of Democratic legislators calling for Joe Biden to abandon the presidential race, there are several names that appear as substitutes for the president to face off against Donald Trump in the November elections. For a large majority of Democratic Party voters, who should appear on the ballot if Biden withdraws is Kamala Harris.

According to a survey by The Economist/YouGov, 79% of the Democratic electorate choose the vice president as Biden's replacement, which would result in the rise of a more extremist current within the party.

There are also a majority who believe that Harris (28%) has a better chance of defeating Trump than Biden (24%). However, more are of the opinion that the probability of defeating the Republican candidate is the same with one or the other (32%).

Biden should withdraw

That is the conclusion of most respondents. 51% say the president should abandon his aspirations, to 41% who say the opposite and see Biden as their candidate.

Within the group calling for Biden's departure, 68% argue their decision with their concern about his age and health status. Twenty-three percent say he lacks the ability to defeat his predecessor in office.
