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The Boston Globe joins the NYT, The Economist, The Chicago Tribune and other major media outlets in calling on Biden to step down

Influential political figures, pundits and columnists have also urged the president to drop out of the re-election race.

Joe Biden(Jim Watson / AFP)

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The editorial board of the Boston Globe joined the growing list of media outlets calling on Joe Biden to withdraw his re-election bid following his poor showing in the recent presidential debate.

The Globe editorial noted that, since last week's debate, Biden's team has offered little explanation for his "historically bad" performance, limiting itself to mentioning that he had a cold. The publication criticized this response as an effort to protect a struggling candidate.

While the editorial board acknowledged that replacing Biden mid-campaign is a complicated task, it emphasized that keeping him as the Democratic nominee could be even more damaging not only to his party, but to the country as a whole. "The greater risk lies in allowing Biden to continue as the party’s standard-bearer. Serious questions are now in play about his ability to complete the arduous work of being leader of the free world," the Globe exposed. "The nation’s confidence has been shaken," it added.

More voices unite against Biden's re-election.

The Boston Globe is not alone in its stance. Influential outlets such as The New York Times, The Atlantic, The New Yorker, The Economist, The Chicago Tribune, and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution have also expressed similar views, increasing pressure on the president.

The New York Times editorial board also called for Biden to withdraw suggesting that continuing in the race would be a "reckless gamble." The Chicago Tribune editorial board wrote that Biden should announce that he would be a one-term president, while the Atlanta Journal-Constitution stressed the need for Biden to step aside to "defeat Trump and for the good of the nation."

In addition to the media, political figures, pundits and influential columnists have urged Biden to step aside following his disappointing performance in the recent debate. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, a Democratic lawmaker from Texas, publicly called for Biden's withdrawal, noting that he had hoped the debate would boost the president's campaign, but that instead Biden "failed to effectively defend his many accomplishments or expose Trump's many lies."

Former Ohio Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan, who competed against Biden for the nomination in 2020, also opined in a Newsweek article that Vice President Kamala Harris would be a better choice for the party.

Several columnists have shared this perspective. Thomas Friedman of the New York Times described the debate as "heartbreaking" and suggested that Biden should not run for re-election. Nicholas Kristof argued that Biden's performance reinforced the narrative that he is too old for the job and should retire before the convention. Paul Krugman headlined his article with "The best president of my life needs to withdraw," acknowledging the reality of the situation.

Other commentators, such as David Remnick of the New Yorker and David Ignatius of the Washington Post, expressed similar concerns, stressing that Biden's continuance in the race is a risk. Mark Leibovich of the Atlantic and Joe Scarborough of MSNBC have also questioned the viability of Biden's candidacy.

Finally, figures such as Andrew Yang and Cenk Uygur have publicly suggested the need for a new candidate. Yang noted that Biden's performance in the debate confirmed his concerns about his ability, while Uygur stated that it is clear that a replacement for Biden must be found.

Biden's resistance

Despite growing calls for his withdrawal, the White House has insisted that Biden will not drop out of the race. According to a campaign official, Biden had a call with his entire staff in which he assured them that he has no plans to quit.

"No one is pushing me out. "I’m not leaving. I’m in this race to the end, and we’re going to win," assured the president who faces mounting pressure.
