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Democratic Party fears midterms could become a referendum on Biden

Former White House press chief says Democrats will lose if the campaign focuses on current government performance.

Joe Biden tras finalizar una rueda de prensa en la Casa Blanca. Imagen de archivo.

(Cordon Press)

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Joe Biden is not a winning horse right now. This has been acknowledged by members of the Democratic Party, who fear losing the November elections if the campaign focuses on the government's performance so far this term. According to former White House Secretary Jen Psaki, the Dems' chances of victory hinge on their ability to convince the public that the Republican Party is "extremist."

"If it's a referendum on the president, they will lose. And they [Democrats] know that," Psaki stated flatly on NBC News' Meet the Press. In addition, the former Democratic advisor listed the main weaknesses of her former colleagues: "They also know that crime is a huge vulnerability for Democrats, I would say one of the biggest vulnerabilities," she analyzed. The fight against crime is one of the three biggest issues concerning citizens, according to surveys.

Crime, a Democratic Achilles heel

To bolster her argument, Psaki analyzed the election race in Pennsylvania. There, the prevailing Republican strategy has been to insist on how soft the Governor's Office is being on criminals. Psaki elaborated on the Pennsylvania GOP's emphasis of crime issues: "Republicans have been spending millions of dollars on crime ads against [Lieutenant Governor and Democratic candidate] Fetterman because that's where they see his vulnerability."

Nor is it convenient for them to go into the other two major issues that really concern citizens, such as the economy and inflation. With prices increasing at a pace not seen since the 1970s, Americans' purchasing power is suffering painfully. More and more people have been looking for second jobs and extra income.

The crucial lack of response to the migratory problem

In the border states, the government's immigration policy is not exactly helping to score points either, especially with the sending of immigrants to sanctuary cities. The Republican response to this issue has been to highlight the lack of action from the respective governments. Even with a higher expenditure of resources and technology, the number of illegal immigrants reaching the US has soared to a record high.

Henceforth, Biden's party is left with no path but to shift the debate to the Republican "extremism." The issues they are putting on the table are abortion, January 6 or the recent scandals of former President Trump with the justice system. Psaki is clear: "If the election is about who is the most extreme, then [the Democrats] are going to win."

Biden's popularity does not rebound

Joe Biden may prove to be a liability to his party facing the final stretch of the campaign. Fox host Jesse Watters provided his analysis:

Joe is lying, falling down, he's corrupt, he's losing us money. You’re looking at a Biden presidency that’s a total fraud. Eighty-one million votes, he can’t even do a rally? The pool camera doesn’t pull out, because no one showed up. The Biden rally is free. I told you guys the other day, the whole motorcade cross by deep blue Manhattan, no one clapped. It was like the prime minister of Yugoslavia.

His popularity ratings, although timidly improving, still stand at a mere 39% according to The Washington Post and ABC poll.
