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Favorites, but unloved: Trump and Biden lead in polls, but their popularity plummets

Polls point to a rerun of the 2020 electoral duel in 2024, but both are viewed favorably by less than 40% of the electorate.

Montaje con los candidatos más destacados de las primarias 2024.

(Gage Skidmore/Flickr/Cordon Press)

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At this moment, everything points to the fact that Donald Trump and Joe Biden will rerun the 2020 duel in the upcoming presidential election in 2024. Both are comfortably leading the polls of voting intentions in the primaries of their respective parties. On the Republican side, the former president is around 30 points on average ahead of Ron DeSantis, according to the polls, while on the Democratic side, the incumbent president has 70% of the support. However, both have very low popularity ratings, below 40%.

According to Real Clear Politics, which provides averages across major polls, Trump's lead is overwhelming. The former president leads with 53.9% of the support, followed way behind by DeSantis, who sits at around 18%. Trailing even further behind is anti-Woke businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, with 5.9% of the support, followed closely (5%) by former Vice President Mike Pence. Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley has 3.4%, while Senator Tim Scott (2.9%) and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (2.4%) sit behind unable to attain 3%. The rest of the applicants do not even reach 1%. Among Democrats, Biden reaches 66%, while Robert Kennedy Jr. is looking up at him from a remote 14.3%.

Morning Consult gives biggest lead to Trump and Biden

The gap between Trump and his rivals for the GOP nomination is even wider according to the latest sample taken by Morning Consult. The tycoon reaches 59% of the support, while DeSantis drops to 16%. The other big winner of the poll is Ramaswamy, who rises again to the third position with 8% of voting intention. The anti-Woke businessman of Indian origin is, moreover, is the most favorably viewed candidate. Behind, Pence reaches 6% and Haley remains at 4%. Scott and Christie are at 2%. On the Democratic side, Biden has 71% of the support compared to 12% for Robert Kennedy Jr.

Quinnipiac University, the 'tightest' for Trump

The latest poll released by Quinnipiac University presents a picture in which the veteran leaders sweep their followers. Trump gets 54% of the votes of Republican supporters, while Biden gets 71% of Democrats, far behind Kennedy Jr.'s 14%. On the conservative side, DeSantis continues to lose steam, trailing his former mentor by 25%, (29 points). He is followed by Haley and Pence, both with 4%. One point behind are Christie and Scott. The surprise in this poll is the poor 2% that Ramaswamy receives.

Public opinion doesn't like Trump and Biden

However, this data does not coincide with the opinion that citizens have of the two favorites. According to Pew Research Center, only 35% of voters currently view Trump favorably, while Biden must settle for 39%. The Republican magnate also sees those who view him unfavorably rise from 60% to 63%, while Biden's critics go from 57% to 60%.
