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Israel vs. the POST-NAZI AXIS, the war for the West

The Jewish State is, today, the only one aware of the danger and the only one determined to save the spirit of the West.

7 de Octubre: Un grupo de personas se coge de la mano en un acto conmemorativo del primer aniversario del atentado de Hamás en el sur de Israel, en Tel Aviv, el 7 de octubre de 2024.

Anniversary of October 7 in Tel AvivJack Guez/AFP.

International politics has dogmatically claimed, over the past decades, that it is not possible to defeat Islamic terrorism. It is no coincidence that this defeatist way of thinking comes at a time of major regression of the Western spirit as a civilizing concept. Self-hatred, shame for one's own past and countless social and psychological defects have blurred the achievements of the culture that made the free West the most prosperous, just, tolerant and supportive space in the world.

The most powerful countries have based their geopolitical actions on this deterministic defeatism. The United Nations is a faithful reflection of this classification. But power hates a vacuum, While free countries engage in self-criticism and present a masked facade, the void left at the United Nations has been filled by the Chinese Communist Party and Islamist tyrannies. This course of the United Nations has been the protective shield of all world totalitarianism. At the same time, the United Nations, thanks to this culpable and wretched diplomacy, has been pushing crazy anti-capitalist agendas, Malthusian, thirsty for degrowth and statism.

The haters of Western culture are gaining ground by leaps and bounds. Meanwhile, the liberal democracies watch the spectacle with resignation, if not with fatalism disguised as tolerance. The West is surrendering to its haters and this series of political, cultural and diplomatic triumphs may have given Iran, a year ago, the idea that the time had come to end the anti-Semitic task.

There were several signs and it makes sense that the ayatollahs, Sinwar, Nasrallah, Haniyeh and the Houthis thought that on October 7, 2023 they would emerge victorious: USA is mired in the worst moral crisis of its existence, co-opted by a leadership openly opposed to its founding fathers and to any idea of freedom. Its elites, driven by a deep-seated Judeophobia that has permeated the educational system in a terminal way, and its army capitulating to Wokism.

Europe, our cradle, is under assault from an arrogant force that has shown no disguise for its contempt toward host countries. This invader has perpetrated hundreds of thousands of attacks in the name of an avenging god, revealing its intentions of conquest without pretense. That same Europe, at the same time, was determined to die demographically, energetically, scientifically, culturally and militarily.

Africa is being colonized by the most bloody Islamism, guilty of the worst including rape, ethnic cleansing and massacres. On the other hand, most of Latin America feels twinned with any anti-Western movement in the name of an imbecilic resentment that has been going on for five centuries.

"Macron is on the side of terrorism and chose to show it openly on the anniversary of the attack."

This encouraged the POST-NAZI AXIS, composed on the one hand by the identitarian left known as "woke ideology"; and on the other by colonizing Islamism. However, something occurred that shifted the mood among the former Axis powers, who now decry appeasement because Israel has chosen to challenge the status quo of submission.

A clear example of this behavior is the actions of the French president. Last Saturday on France Inter radio, Macron called for a worldwide arms embargo against Israel. Yes, to the country that is being attacked on seven fronts by terrorism. A few weeks ago he told Netanyahu that it was Israel that was "pushing the region to war." Macron denied support for the march against anti-Semitism at the end of 2023. He was not pleased to learn about the death of the terrorist who killed 58 French soldiers or the fact that Hezbollah's top leadership was eliminated. Macron made France vote against Israel at the UN every chance it got and funds UNRWA despite the fact that many of its members are Hamas leaders. Macron pledged his support to the International Criminal Court, whose prosecutors seek to arrest Netanyahu and Israeli soldiers.

This is not the first time France has complied with orders issued en masse against Jews. France does not learn from its history, and thinks it can sell impartiality, but preventing one side in a war from getting weapons is taking a stand. Macron supports terrorism and chose to show it openly on the anniversary of the attack, to provide ideological support against Israel.

Woke ideological support woke is a fundamental part of the POST-NAZI AXIS and possibly the greatest existential threat to the survival of Judaism (no longer From Israel, of all Jews). Israel has shown in these days that it can defeat Islamist terrorism, bypassing the will of international politics that prevented it from advancing so many times throughout this year. But the anti-Jewish propaganda apparatus has redoubled its efforts and Macron is the glaring example that the greatest threat to the survival of Judaism comes from the suicidal West.

The defeatism of the West became convinced that any war against terrorism would fail. For this reason, the policy against the jihadist colonization of the Middle East and against European migratory movements was to contain them, give them subsidies, victimize them and, as if this were not enough, to socially and criminally handcuff those who spoke out against the obvious. Israel was no stranger to this policy, it gave work permits, provided medical care and education, in addition to paying them generously, to thousands of spies who were later used to carry out the October 7 attack. Europe and the U.S. did more than that. They showered them with tax-payer money, adapted the judicial system to patronize them and allowed them to rule their cities and parliaments. No one wanted war in the West and Iran used that to its advantage.

But October 7 was a miscalculation, coupled with another miscalculation, wrapped in another miscalculation. Hamas may not have calculated that the disastrous lack of Israeli reaction in the first hours of the attack, which allowed the murderers to roam free by recording and publicizing their atrocities, which changed the mindset of Netanyahu’s government. It is possible that Iran discounted a favorable response from the governments and citizens of the region. It is possible that Europe and the U.S. thought that they would bend Israel's policy and will as they had been doing for years. It is possible that Qatar thought that the fortunes poured over the last century into universities and media would have more influence.

"The small Jewish country has already shown that it is not willing to let itself be killed."

Hezbollah may have thought that with one front open, Israel would not dare to open another against the world's most powerful terrorist organization. Just as Sinwar turned Gaza into a hellish enclave in the service of Iran, Nasrallah handed Iran control of Lebanon and was key to Iran's victory in Syria. Iran invented Hezbollah as part of its Middle East imperial project, and ovrr the last few years it recovered economically and militarily thanks to the Biden-Kamala administration. There have been many incentives for the ayatollahs' bloodlust.

In all this logical fatalism there was only one factor that no one paid attention to: the incredible spirit of the Jewish peopleThere is practically no empire that hasn’t persecuted Jews, but they all disappeared, and the Jewish people are still there. In 721 B.C. Assyria ravaged the Northern Kingdom (Israel), and then the Southern Kingdom (Judea). Sennacherib attacked Judah during the reign of King Hezekiah and destroyed its major cities and took the ten tribes captive. Years later, when Babylon put an end to Egyptian rule, he made Judea his vassal. The revolts of the Judean Kingdom against Babylon in 601 to 586 B.C. were attempts to escape the rule of the Neo-Babylonian Empire that ended with the destruction of the Judean Kingdom, until the Maccabean Rebellion of the second century B.C. Babylonian forces then captured its capital, Jerusalem, and destroyed Solomon's Temple, beginning the Babylonian captivity in which the Jews were expelled from Judea.

The Judeo-Roman wars pitted the Jews against the mighty Roman Empire in the first and second centuries AD. The first Jewish-Roman war occurred between 66 and 73. The war of Kitos took place between 115 and 117 and the last confrontation, the revolt of Bar Kohba, occurred between 132 and 136. In every case, the Jews, who were fighting for their independent kingdom, were devastated and thrown into a Diaspora that would last almost two thousand years. This brutal exile meant centuries of second-class citizenship for the Jewish people.

The expulsion of the Jews is composed of several persecutions that occurred at different times in the Ancient, Middle and Modern Ages. The exile from England in 1290, marks a path that went in crescendo. In the 13th century, the marginalization of the Hebrew communities became an ecclesiastical dogma. When the plague swept through Europe at the end of the 14th century, the Jews were blamed and the waves of pogroms were provoked precisely by the false claims that spread about this community. In 1348, Bern, Burgdorf, Solothurn, Schaffhausen, Zurich, St. Gallen and Rheinfelden expelled the entire Jewish population. Throughout Europe, the Jews began to be definitively expelled, fleeing to the East or settling in rural areas. The most famous expulsion, that of Spain, is possibly one of the last to take place.

The blood libels and attacks of the 19th and 20th centuries are innumerable. The Holocaust gave the industrial tenor to the quest to wipe out the Jews, which continued with the simultaneous attack of seven armies when modern Israel was not even 24 hours old. There followed more wars, two intifadas and countless terrorist attacks in Israel and against the community worldwide, until the October 7 attack, which unleashed a war on all fronts and the largest missile assault in history by Iran at the beginning of October. This is not the first time that the Jewish people are facing possible extinction because that is what losing this war would mean. The tiny Jewish country has already shown that it is unwilling to let itself be killed and that its will to survive is greater than the might of all the empires in history.

"International politics is pusillanimously surrendered to the POST-NAZI AXIS."

The cowardice of international diplomacy—characterized by ceasefires, appeasement, and peace missions—coupled with the narrative that 'violence is never the answer' and the demand to submit to jihadist ideology, has been rejected by Israel. This defiance has revealed the unhinged nature of the so-called 'POST-NAZI AXIS' in a shocking manner. The Israeli military and Netanyahu have reminded the world that wars must be won and that the POST-NAZI AXIS is not invincible.

When war is declared on you, fighting or surrendering are actions of war. It is not possible to deny reality, to submit is to also play a role in the war and that is the role that the POST-NAZI AXIS wants for Israel. A defeat of Israel is a defeat in the face of the most devastating consortium ever thought of: communists and Islamists, and the devastation they are pursuing is not limited to the tiny Jewish country. International politics have cowardly surrendered to the POST-NAZI AXIS, believing that they must be appeased so that they do not become enraged.

Today, Israel is the only country aware of the danger and that is why it is fighting a battle knowing that the outcome could change the destiny of the West and the whole world.

Nowadays, Israel is the only country bent on saving the spirit of the West.
