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Elon Musk visits Israel to see the aftermath of the attacks carried out by Hamas

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Musk went to Kfar Azza, one of the kibbutzim most affected by the terrorist attacks.

El magnate Elon Musk y el primer ministro de Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu.

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Tesla and X (formerly Twitter) owner Elon Musk traveled to Israel and met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Both visited Kfar Azza, one of the kibbutzim most affected by the attacks organized by Hamas since the terrorist group began carrying out its attacks on Oct. 7.

Netanyahu released a photograph of his meeting with Musk on his official X account. He is seen wearing a bulletproof vest surrounded by his security detail. In addition, they had a public conversation that was broadcast live on the social network.

During his visit, Musk made it clear that the goal is to be united to "eliminate the terrorists":

You need to pair firmness and taking out the terrorists and those intent on murder, and at the same time help those that remain, which is what happened in Germany and Japan.

Authorities did not reveal whether Netanyahu invited Musk or if he decided to travel on his own. In addition to meeting with the prime minister, he will hold a meeting with Israeli President Isaac Herzog, and with Benny Gantz, a member of the war cabinet and former minister of defense.

Support for Israel after being accused of promoting antisemitism

His visit comes after he was accused of allowing users to promote antisemitism and fascism on X. The leftist organization Media Matters blamed Musk for not preventing hatred against Jews on the social network, which caused major companies such as Apple, Disney, IBM and Lionsgate to announce that they would reduce or suspend their advertisement spending on the platform.

X's response was to sue the leftist organization for "defamation and commercial interference." Musk claimed that he himself would file the lawsuit.

'Principle understanding' to bring Starlink to Israel

The Government of Israel also confirmed a "principle understanding" with Musk, for the use of his satellite communication system known as Starlink in the Gaza Strip.

This was expressed by Shlomo Karhi, Israeli minister of communications, who clarified on X that it is a "significant agreement" with the company.

"Starlink satellite units can only be operated in Israel with the approval of the Israeli Ministry of Communications, including the Gaza Strip," he wrote.

"As the State of Israel fights against Hamas - ISIS, this understanding is vital, as is it for everyone who desires a better world, free of evil and free of anti-Semitism, for our children's sake," the official added.
