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Biden points out that Israel must completely eliminate Hamas, but that a ground operation in Gaza "would be a big mistake"

The president, who may travel to the area at a later date, defended the actions of the Jewish army and recognized that the risk of a terrorist attack on national territory has increased.

President of the United States Joe Biden


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Joe Biden is once again navigating the space between two waters. The president assured that Hamas must be completely eliminated, but, at the same time, warned that an Israeli ground operation in Gaza "would be a big mistake," and warned of the danger of Hezbollah's possible involvement in the war from Lebanon. The commander-in-chief also insisted on the "two-state solution," stressing that "there must be a Palestinian authority. "There needs to be a path to a Palestinian state." Furthermore, the head of the Executive recognized that the risk of an attack on national territory has increased after the outbreak of the war.

Israel and Hamas

During an interview on the CBS program 60 Minutes, Biden supported the Israeli response in Gaza so far, recalling the terrorist attack that gave rise to the escalation of the war. However, the launch of a ground operation -"occupation of Gaza," according to the words of the presenter, Scott Pelley -, by the Jewish army to deliver the final blow to the terrorist leaders is not to the liking of the president. The president also ruled out that American soldiers are going to be deployed on the ground: "I don't think that's necessary. Israel has one of the finest fighting forces in the country. I guarantee we're gonna provide them everything they need."

Scott Pelley: Would you support Israeli occupation of Gaza at this point?
President Biden: I think it'd be a big mistake. Look, what happened in Gaza, in my view, is Hamas and the extreme elements of Hamas don't represent all the Palestinian people. And I think that … it would be a mistake … for Israel to occupy … Gaza again.” “Going in but taking out the extremists — the Hezbollah is up north but Hamas down south — is a necessary requirement.”

Biden again expresses support for Israeli response

However, after an attempt by the presenter to equate last Saturday's terrorist massacre with the Jewish reaction, Biden once again justified the Israeli response and US support. Likewise, the current tenant of the White House wanted to break a spear in favor of the troops' actions so far, ensuring that "they are going to do everything in their power to avoid the killing of civilians."

Look, there's a fundamental difference. Israel is going after a group of people who have engaged in barbarism that is as consequential as the Holocaust. And-- so I think Israel has to respond. They have to go after Hamas. Hamas is a bunch of cowards. They're hiding behind the civilians. They put their of—their—their—their headquarters where civilians are and buildings and the like. But to the extent they can separate out and avoi—I'm conf-- the Israelis are gonna do everything in their power to avoid the killing of innocent civilians.

Humanitarian corridors

The president also expressed his confidence in the possibility of opening humanitarian corridors that would alleviate the situation of people trapped in Gaza, whom Hamas does not want to allow to leave and is using as human shields. Biden assured that American diplomats are in talks with Israel and Egypt, although he acknowledged that the negotiations are being difficult.

Regarding Iran's participation in preparing the massacre, Biden reiterated that "there is no direct evidence" that the Ayatollah Regime was involved. In addition, he warned Hezbollah and Iran itself not to continue the escalation with attacks on Israel from the north. He also referred to the war in Ukraine, guaranteeing that maintaining support for Israel and Kiev at the same time does not represent too great an effort for "the most powerful nation in history... not in the world, in the history of the world. We can deal with both and still maintain our overall international defense."

Biden warns of the risk of attacks in the US due to support for Israel

However, Biden did show his concern about the risk that support for Israel and the wave of anti-Semitism that is being revealed has increased the possibility of suffering an attack on national territory.

Scott Pelley: Because of what we're seeing in the Middle East, is the threat of terrorism in the United States increased?
President Biden: Yes. I had a meeting this morning with the Homeland Security people, with the FBI, with-- for the Situation Room, for the better part of an hour to discuss how we make sure that we prevent a lone wolf and/or any cohi-- coordinated effort to try to do what was done in synagogues before, do what was done to Jews in the street. we're making a major effort to make sure that doesn't happen.

Biden prepares a trip to Israel, not yet officially confirmed

White House sources told AP that the president is studying a trip to Israel in the near future, but that it is not yet closed. "It would be a powerful symbol of sympathy and support after the brutal attack by Hamas," and could help boost diplomatic efforts, especially on the eve of the ground operation by the Jewish army.
