France bans Muslim clothing such as abaya or qamis in schools
Education Minister Gabriel Attal explained that the decision was made with the intention of reaffirming freedom and secularism in French society.

El ministro de Educación de Francia, Gabriel Attal, informó de que a partir del lunes se prohibirá el uso de abaya o qamis (Captura de pantalla RTVE)
French Education Minister Gabriel Attal said that wearing an abaya or qamis, which are Muslim clothing garments, would be banned in schools starting Monday. "It will no longer be possible to wear an abaya at school," Attal told TF1 television.
Attal explained that the decision was made with the intention of reaffirming freedom and secularism in French society. "The school of the Republic was built around strong values, secularism being one of them," Attal said in a statement collected by La Nacion.
There will be an "exchange" to explain the new rule to students
Attal argued that when a person walks into a classroom, they shouldn't be able to identify students' religion just by looking at them. In addition, he explained that they will apply a protocol to integrate the students and explain the reasons that led the government to make the decision. "They will be welcomed, and there will be an exchange with them to explain the meaning of the rule and why we made that decision," said the minister of education.
DW recalled that a French law banning visibly religious symbols in schools came into force in 1994. "This was followed in 2004 by a complete ban on headscarves in schools. The kippah, a cap worn by Jewish men, and large Christian crosses are also banned in the classroom." Since 2010, it has also been illegal to wear veils that completely cover the face and body, such as a burqa, anywhere in public.