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José Antonio Kast, the conservative leader who stopped the leftist Boric in Chile

Although labeled as an extremist, the founder of the Republican Party of Chile is a staunch defender of life, family and religious freedom.

José Antonio Kast, líder del Partido Republicano de Chile

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Western progressives are very fond of describing José Antonio Kast, leader of the Republican Party of Chile, as an extreme politician, saying he is ultra-conservative and ultra-right-wing. However, his ideology includes "the defense of human life, marriage, family and religious freedom." Kast is president of the movement Political Networks for Values. The members of the board are important political personalities of very diverse ideologies from Europe and Latin America, including members of the European Parliament and senior officials of the Council of Europe. It also includes leaders of world-class civil organizations, such as Brian Brown, president of the International Organization for the Family from the United States. The woke mob has criticized some statements made in 2021 by the new winner of the elections for the Chilean Constitutional Council in which he assured that if "Pinochet were alive now, he would vote for me.” The media uproar that was created in Chile and many other countries was cut short by Kast himself when he stressed that he does not support nor has he ever supported any violation of human rights.

His family origins have been another of the reasons used by the opposition to attack José Antonio Kast. His parents emigrated from Germany to Chile in 1950, fleeing the misery that still afflicted that country five years after the end of World War II. An AP investigation, shared many times by the international press, pointed out his father’s alleged Nazi past. His father had fought in the German Army. The Republican leader always assured that his father was not a member of the Nazi Party, despite the fact that more than 8.5 million Germans were in its ranks in March 1945. Many of them did it out of pure survival instinct.

Harassment and demolition campaign

The unmitigated victory of José Antonio Kast last Sunday against President Gabriel Boric should close a sad chapter in Chile's democratic history, beginning under former President Sebastián Piñera. Leftist forces used harassment and persecution to bring down a government that had been fairly elected at the ballot box. Moreover, it was shown that the Constitution was wanted by many more Chileans than these protests made people believe. Regarding constitutional change in Chile, Kast said that the South American country "does not need" a new Constitution and said that any change should be made "through institutional channels" in Congress.

His political platform, which is a good reflection of his ideology and personality, includes strengthening the free market, reducing government interference in the economy, lowering taxes and reducing public spending, trusting that stability and order will generate more investment and more wealth for Chile. The Republican Party leader, who holds a law degree from the Catholic University of Chile, is a strong advocate of the country's hotly debated individual savings system, improved pensions and a delay in the retirement age.
