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Biden warns that the world is at the gates of "nuclear Armageddon"

The president assures that Vladimir Putin "is not joking" when he threatens to use nuclear weapons to continue his invasion of Ukraine.

Joe Biden, presidente de Estados Unidos

Joe Biden (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)

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President Joe Biden said Thursday that the world is at risk of "nuclear Armageddon" for the first time since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. These statements came in the face of the possibility of Russia's use of tactical nuclear weapons after eight months at war with Ukraine.

President Vladimir Putin is "not kidding" when he threatens to use nuclear weapons to continue his invasion of Ukraine, Biden said, during a Democratic Party fundraiser in New York.

Biden warned that the use of a low-yield tactical weapon could quickly spiral out of control and cause global destruction. "There is no possibility of easily using a tactical weapon and not end up with Armageddon," Biden said.

"I'm trying to imagine what Putin's way out is," Biden said. "Where do you find a way out? Where does he see himself in a position that he not only loses prestige, but significant power in Russia?" he added.

Putin's escalation

Russian President Vladimir Putin has already warned on several occasions of his intention to use "never-before-seen weapons" if any other nation enters the ongoing conflict with Ukraine. The Kremlin leader doesn´t appear like he is going to be applying the brakes on the current war any time soon. Proof of this is that Putin recently formalized the annexation of the occupied territories of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia during a ceremony held at the Grand Kremlin Palace. This came after subjecting the inhabitants of eastern Ukraine to what are being referred to as, illegal referendums.
