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Pro-Hamas protesters vandalize the area around the White House

The protesters jumped a fence and shouted messages criticizing the United States government.

Manifestantes pro Hamás vandalizan las inmediaciones de la Casa Blanca

Manifestantes pro Hamás vandalizan las inmediaciones de la Casa Blanca | Captura pantalla Twitter @stevennelson10

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Several pro-Hamas protesters vandalized the area around the White House on Friday night. The protesters also jumped a fence and shouted messages criticizing the United States government while carrying banners accusing Biden of "genocide."

Videos on social networks show protesters painting red handprints on the outside of the White House.

In another video protesters are seen climbing the gates while holding the Palestinian flag. Meanwhile, the rest of the protesters shouted "Free Palestine, Free" and "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is great), according to reporters from media outlets such as The New York Post who were at the scene.

They also put flags and signs on the statues adjacent to the White House. Photos were taken that showed them writing "Free Palestine" on the statue of General Marquis de Lafayette.

The vandalism by pro-Palestine protesters in the United States was not only experienced in Washington, DC. New York was also a victim to crime this Saturday. A group of pro-Palestine rioters in New York City vandalized a Jewish lady's business. The video went viral on social media and users pointed out that New York City is "the most Jewish city in the world outside of Israel.”

The video shows a group of hooded people holding Palestinian flags. They were fighting local police officers who were trying to stop the attacks from continuing. According to information going around on social media, the attacks began after the Jewish owner of the business had displayed pro-Israel messages in her store.
