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Trump calls for national unity, goes off script to mention Biden in longest acceptance speech ever at RNC

The former president rolled out the Republican Party's election platform and improvised on several points, staying on stage for nearly two hours. 

Donald Trump closes out the Republican National ConventionAFP

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Donald Trump closed out the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. The former president took the stage to a standing ovation, then gave a first-person account of his assassination attempt and called for national unity, mentioning Joe Biden off-script in the speech. For more than an hour, starting with a more measured tone and gradually returning to his own style, Trump energized the crowd with his platform for a second term. 

The Republican nominee for president entered the arena in style. After being introduced by Dana White, singer Lee Greenwood gave a live rendition of "God Bless the USA" in front of a screen with a giant illuminated sign reading "Trump."

Once at the podium, standing before, Melania Trump, J.D. Vance and his children, he began by thanking people for their support after the assassination attempt, and then chronicled what had happened. He clarified before he began that he was not going to tell it again because it was such a "painful" memory. 


"I felt very safe because I had God on my side," the former president confessed, met with a standing ovation from those in attendance. "If I had not moved my head at that very last instant, the assassin’s bullet would have perfectly hit its mark and I would not be here tonight," he continued.

Trump mentioned the victim of the shooting, Corey Comperatore, whose family sent his firefighter uniform to place on stage. The former president hugged the uniform as a sign of respect and then asked for a moment of silence


'One nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all'

Trump asserted that criminalizing dissent must stop and took aim at the Justice Department for its persecution of its political opponents, using himself as an example. 

One by one, he thanked members of his family who were present, slowing for a moment on Barron and then moving on to his grandchildren. 

The thanks continued for a few minutes, already with a slightly less emotional and more energetic tone, he highlighted Dana White and Hulk Hogan, who again received a standing ovation from the audience. 


Trump to JD Vance: 'Enjoy the ride'

Seconds later, Trump mentioned J.D. Vance, whom he introduced as the "next vice president of the United States," along with his "incredible" wife, Usha. 

He spoke of the senator and his wife as "two smart people," given that they met at Yale University, which caused the Ohio Republican to laugh. 

Finally, Trump assured that it was an "honor" to select Vance and that he still had a long way to go, so he recommended that he enjoy the journey. 


'I am here tonight to lay out a vision for the whole nation'

Trump went on to speak on the accomplishments of his previous four years in the White House, mentioning the creation of the Space Force, low taxes, economic data, the stock market record before the pandemic and legislation on the "Right to Try" to give certain patients the ability to more easily test experimental treatments.

In turn, he made a couple of mentions of the 2020 election, claiming that they "used COVID to cheat" and criticize the Biden administration, which he called the worst in U.S. history. And of course, even though it wasn't in the script, he named the president a couple of times.

"We’ll do it again, but we’ll do it even better. ... The tax rate was too high and the legal complications were far too great. I changed both of them, and hundreds of billions of dollars by Apple and so many other companies would work back into our nation," he added. 


Platform for 2024

The Republican also detailed the GOP election platform for November, anticipating among other things lowering taxes, placing tariffs on China, creating of hundreds of thousands of jobs, bringing peace to the Middle East, closing the southern border and eliminating regulations. 

He promised to respect taxpayer money, claiming that waste is currently the rule. "All of the trillions of dollars that are sitting there not yet spent, we will redirect that money for important projects like roads, bridges, dams, and we will not allow it to be spent on meaningless 'Green New Scam' ideas," he added. 

"So tonight, whether you’ve supported me in the past or not, I hope you will support me in the future, because I will bring back the American dream. ... With great humility, I am asking you to be excited about the future of our country," he continued;

He also mentioned that he will protect social security, bring down inflation and favor the middle class by boosting wages, although he placed special focus on the "invasion" of the southern border. "We will stop it and we will stop it quickly," clarifying, however, that he is more than happy with legal immigration. 


He showed the famous chart he looked at at the Pennsylvania rally, which shows illegal immigration since Biden came to the White House in 2021. 

He also promised to carry out the "largest deportation operation in the history of our country," even larger than President Dwight Eisenhower's. 

Message "to the entire world"

Without beating around the bush, Trump sent a clear message "to the entire world": "We want our hostages back — and they better be back before I assume office, or you will be paying a very big price." 

"With our victory in November, the years of war, weakness and chaos will be over," he noted, promising that the diplomacy of a future Trump administration is also going to be based on the premise of "America first."


To protect citizens, Trump promised the construction of an iron dome similar to Israel's. "But now we have unbelievable technology. And why should other countries have this, and we don’t? ... We’re going to be sure that nothing can come and harm our people," he indicated. 

Grand finale 

Trump ended his speech with a message of unity, remembering the founding fathers and calling for an end to ideological differences. He promised to honor the office and not let down the "forgotten men and women" who will never be forgotten again.

"Quite simply put, we will very quickly make America great again," the Republican concluded.

He was then joined by his family, and the balloon release began. An estimated 100,000 balloons fell from the ceiling in Milwaukee, marking the end of the Republican National Convention. 
