Democrats are doing whatever it takes to keep Trump from becoming president
In a landmark verdict, a Manhattan jury found the former president guilty.

El expresidente Donald Trump sale del juzgado en Nueva York. (AFP)
In a historic decision, a Manhattan jury convicted former President Donald Trump. The level of audacity of Judge Juan Merchán and prosecutor Alvin Bragg in conducting this trial will go down in history as one of the low points of the justice system in this country. The case is so absurd that we even saw legal experts and openly Democratic journalists acknowledge that week after week, the prosecution was losing all credibility. Even the New York Times published an essay calling this case against the former president a “disgrace” and a “historic mistake.”
Prosecutor Bragg chose to ignore the decisions made years ago by the Department of Justice, the Federal Election Commission and his predecessor, not to bring charges against Trump and, coincidentally, just a few months before the election, Bragg revives an event that occurred eight years ago and turns a misdemeanor charge - falsifying records - into a felony. The second felony theory was necessary because after so much time had passed the statute of limitations had passed, so the only way to revive the case was to claim that the first felony was committed to cover up a second felony.
The matter was so brazen that until the end of the trial, many lawyers did not even understand what this second felony was. This is a clear violation of the law; every defendant should know clearly what they are accused of. But the responsibility for this dark day for American Justice lies not only with the prosecutor but also with Judge Merchán, who went to great lengths to have Trump found guilty. When it came to the crucial moment of jury instructions, Merchán not only failed to clarify what that felony was, he told the jurors that they did not have to agree on what the felony was and gave them up to three choices of crimes for which they could find Trump guilty.
Many believed that in the face of so much trampling of the law, and with a star witness who even lied during the hearings and who ended his testimony by acknowledging that he stole tens of thousands of dollars from Trump and has made millions in podcasts and books about his history with Trump, at least one of the jurors was going to prevent Trump from being found guilty. But it looks like Merchán did his job well in getting, at all costs, Trump found guilty. Some would argue that not only is this to the judge’s credit, but that finding an impartial jury in deeply liberal Manhattan was simply impossible.
The Democrats have achieved today what they wanted: to label Trump as a “convict” and, with that, to try to save Joe Biden, who is sinking more and more in the polls, losing votes, especially in the key groups for the Democratic Party, African descendants, Hispanics and young people, and who is also losing in the six purple states. Perhaps what the Democrats did not measure well is that this blatant attack, not only on Trump but on the judicial system and the intelligence of the American people, could have the opposite result. After all, we saw Trump rise in the polls after each new indictment against him. On November 5, we will see what Americans say about what happened today and about the Biden administration.