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Biden privately calls David Axelrod a ‘prick’ as prominent Obama advisor questions president’s capabilities

This was revealed by columnist Jonathan Martin of Politico, who said that the president has expressed rude attitudes behind closed doors that are harming him.

Joe Biden,

Edit de Voz Media. Fotos: Cordon Press

These have not been good days for President Joe Biden. The recent surveys from CNN and The New York Times show Donald Trump ahead of the 2024 general elections, and their constant errors and disconnections in front of the cameras are raising strong concerns among prominent Democrats who doubt Biden's capabilities and ability to win next year's elections.

Among those raising public concerns was renowned Democratic political strategist David Axelrod, the mastermind behind Barack Obama's election victories in 2008 and 2012. He said Biden should think twice about whether his candidacy is in the best interest of the United States.

"Only Joe Biden can make this decision. If he continues to run, he will be the nominee of the Democratic Party. What he needs to decide is whether that is wise; whether it's in HIS best interest or the country's?" Axelrod wrote on X after citing a poll that puts Trump ahead of Biden in five of six key states that will potentially define the 2024 elections, including Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Michigan.

Apparently, Axelrod's disbelief regarding Biden's popularity and ability didn't sit well with the Democratic president, who called Obama's prominent ally a "prick," as revealed by the columnist of Politico, Jonathan Martin. He wrote an extensive report explaining the challenges that Biden faces in 2024 amid a popularity crisis and questions about his advanced age and his physical and mental conditions.

"Calling David Axelrod 'a prick,' as a person who has heard Biden use the word says he does in private, is not a strategy to win 270 electoral votes," Martin wrote.

According to the columnist, Biden's bad mood and rude comments behind closed doors are more than an open secret throughout Washington, DC.

The president, in particular, is bothered by being questioned about his advanced age. In December 2020, Politico also published an article revealing that Biden snapped at an ally about being 80 years old: "You think I don't know how f---ing old I am?"

Another detail that worries the Democratic president is the coverage of the historically allied press, which in recent months has questioned Biden more than the president would like.

In fact, days ago, Biden spoke to the press after being asked about the CNN and New York Times polls that position him below Trump.

"You don't read the polls," Biden said on November 9. "Ten polls. Eight of them, I'm beating him [Trump] in those places. Eight of them. You guys only do two. CNN and New York Times. Check it out. Check it out. We'll get you a copy of all those other polls."

In recent months, most recent polls agree on a critical point: almost all voters, especially Democrats, are concerned about Biden's age, who, if he wins next year, would end his term at 86 years old. Meanwhile, feuds with the progressive press, Obama's key allies and even mistreatment of his staff are only hurting Biden's re-election campaign, as columnist Martin reported in Politico.
