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Shameful: a disoriented Biden makes a fool of himself on Veterans Day

The president got lost during the official ceremony and in yet another awkward speech, he dedicated a strange message to retired soldiers belonging to the “LBTQ-PLUS” community.

Joe Biden, Día de los Veteranos

(Captura de pantalla C SPN)

It was not a good day for the president of the United States, Joe Biden, who once again made a fool of himself in front of the cameras throughout Veterans Day.

For example, during the official Veterans Day commemoration event held this Saturday at Arlington National Cemetery, the president froze during the wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

The moment of awkwardness, with Biden noticeably confused, peaked when an officer had to give the president directions as to where he should go.

Users on social networks reacted with ridicule and shock to the event.

Podcast host and YouTuber Tyler Zed wryly commented, “Our enemies must be shaking in their boots.”

Jake Schneider, director of Rapid Response for the Republican Party, took advantage of Biden’s disorientation to tweet: “This is just so embarrassing.”

Radio host Michael Brown went further and said that Biden’s live disconnections no longer cause laughter but concern: “Time to go home. Pathetic at such a solemn ceremony. We shouldn’t laugh at this. Instead we should recognize the Commander-in-Chief is incapable of being the CnC. Someone stop this madness. Looking to you @FLOTUS. Do you love him? Take him home.”

But Biden’s confusion was not only limited to his location during the ceremonies but also was evident during his speeches throughout the day, where the president dedicated a very strange message to veterans who supposedly belong to the “LBTQ-PLUS” community.

“We have doubled down on our efforts to ensure … that no veteran is denied the honor they earn because there was discharged for being L-B-T-Q-PLUS,” Biden said in another confusing message that caused criticism and ridicule on social media.
