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What traditional media doesn't tell you about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the face of socialism in the US

The Democratic congresswoman has a history of controversial statements that even caused Musk to say publicly that she is "not smart."

La representante de Nueva York Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez en Prospect Park el 5 de agosto de 2019

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez / Cordon Press.

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Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC), is a 33-year-old Democratic congresswoman who hopes to implement the failed policies of socialism in the United States, but who benefits from capitalism, the system she tirelessly seeks to destroy.

The New York representative of Puerto Rican descent was born on October 13, 1989, in the Bronx, and although she has sought to victimize herself by sharing a "hard story" of life, AOC grew up in the midst of what she has described as the "privileged" American middle class.

At only 5 years old, Cortez left the neighborhood she uses so much in her speeches and moved to Yorktown Heights, a comfortable suburb in Westchester County. The young woman later attended a private university and was an intern in the office of Senator Ted Kennedy (D-Massachusetts).

In 2016, with very little political experience, she was part of Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign and since then has been climbing, making allies on the left, spreading socialist ideas and washing the face of tyrants like Nicolás Maduro, the dictator of Venezuela.

AOC has used victimhood as an essential part of her speeches, criticizing patriarchy, talking about how the place in which you are born can determine your life opportunities, and ensuring that to be a politician you need to have influence, wealth and power. However, as shown above, her life story contradicts it. Now, she aims to dismantle the system that helped her take a seat in the House of Representatives at 29 years old.

Her affinity for dictatorial regimes

While socialism sweeps nations like Cuba and Venezuela, Cortez proudly defends those failed policies and has even criticized the sanctions imposed on those countries, calling them cruel and stating that it was those measures that caused their critical situation.

"The embargo is absurdly cruel and, like too many other U.S. policies targeting Latin Americans, the cruelty is the point. I outright reject the Biden Administration's defense of the embargo,” Ocasio-Cortez expressed about the embargo on Cuba.

Recently, the New York representative blamed US sanctions against the Venezuelan regime for the migration crisis in the United States. For her, socialism is not to blame for the precariousness experienced in the South American country, but on the contrary, Republican Senator Marco Rubio.

"US sanctions that were originally authored by Marco Rubio … certainly took a large part in the driving of populations to our southern border," she said on CBS's "Face the Nation."

Proponents of sanctions against Maduro's allies argue that they are punishment for human rights atrocities in Venezuela, but Ocasio-Cortez, a self-described democratic socialist, maintains that it is time to reevaluate those measures: "I think we need to reexamine the nature of the sanctions," she asserted.

The representative downplays the importance of the migration crisis

AOC, who seems to take a position of convenience, has not only blamed the sanctions for the immigration crisis, but also when it comes to criticizing the Democratic administration for its policies, she has decided to downplay them.

Recently, the congresswoman downplayed the number of undocumented immigrants arriving in New York and how this has affected the city, comparing this to the number of people who arrived in the country a century ago.

“The numbers, when it comes to people coming to New York City today, are nothing, I’m telling you, nothing, compared to the daily amounts of people that we saw coming in through Ellis Island in the first half of [last] century,” she said, recalling that on that occasion more than 12 million immigrants arrived in the country.

After the congresswoman's comments about immigration, a conservative analyst named Ashley St. Clair explained that immigrants who arrived legally through Ellis Island should not be compared to undocumented people who cross the border and cost New York City millions of dollars.

For his part, Elon Musk reacted to St. Clair's comment, pointing out that AOC “is just not that smart.”

AOC blamed capitalism for young people not having children

In the past, Ocasio-Cortez has claimed that the country's declining birth rates are due to the “burdens of capitalism,” so she suggested increased immigration to offset low birth rates. According to her, young people live in a society that is increasingly focused on creating wealth and that is why they are not having children.

"In reality, we need immigrant populations to help balance things out. We can't keep funding social security, Medicare, and all these things without immigrants. And it has always been that way. Don't act like this is a new trend or something," she stated a year ago, without even taking into account that it is undocumented migrants who pay for this health service.

Is victimization your style?

AOC and her policies are so controversial that, according to her, even her own Democratic colleagues seem to have “open hostility” toward her.

“Since I got here, literally day one, even before day one, I've experienced a major downgrading of targets by my party. And the omnipresence of that diminution was sometimes all-encompassing,” AOC mentioned in an interview in September 2022.

Ocasio-Cortez said she had to deal with outright hostility from members of her own party, who were upset that she took the seat away from Joe Crowley, who was seen as a possible replacement for Pelosi. “My everyday lived experience here is as a person who is despised. Imagine working a job and your bosses don’t like you – and the competing company is trying to kill you,” she said.

Remember the fight with fellow Ohio Democrat Tim Ryan, who openly rejected AOC's endorsement of his Senate campaign, telling reporters: “It's not a helpful endorsement here... Nor did I seek it”.

Something similar happened with Nancy Pelosi who has openly disparaged her leftist colleagues like AOC: “But they didn’t have any following. They’re four people and that’s how many votes they got,” Pelosi said in 2021 about Ocasio-Cortez.
