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Migration out of control: Texas denounces a "border invasion"

Authorities in four southern counties are calling for urgent help and say the Biden administration lacks the "guts" to act.

Frontera Texas

(Gunnar Wolf-Wikimedia)

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Four South Texas counties denounce that they are facing an"invasion" due to the . The surge of illegals at the Mexican border, they say, is hurting families, businesses and local governments.

Officials in Terrell, Kinney, Uvalde and Goliad are asking for Governor Greg Abbott' s help with the need for more local resources. They deplore the inaction of Joe Biden's government, which they accuse of doing absolutely nothing about the emergency situation in the area. "We want America to know this is real," notes Kinney County Judge Tully Shahan. "The Biden administration won't do anything about it. They could stop this now, but they don't have the guts," he criticizes.

Terrell County Judge Dale Lynn Carruthers warns that the counties face "a real invasion" and calls for the issuance of a disaster declaration to protect not only Texas, but the sovereignty of the entire United States. Officials agree on the danger posed by the massive influx of immigrants (persecution, shootings), in addition to the expense in resources needed to deal with this crisis.

The world's deadliest border

So far this year we are approaching a thousand deaths at the crossing between Mexico and the USA. The United Nations International Organization for Migration notes in its latest report that more than 1,238 lives were lost during migration in the Americas in 2021. At least 728 of these deaths occurred at the U.S.-Mexico border crossing.

South Texas county officials are adding their voices to the alarm bells about the immigration crisis. Border control has long been warning of the situation and criticizing the Biden Administration for "working for chaos and lawlessness".

According to Border Patrol data, in the month of May alone they intercepted more than 239,000 people attempting to enter the country. Every day, hundreds of undocumented immigrants enter the country without the government seeming to care.
