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Was Ann Coulter right? TMZ footage shows Kansas City shooting may have been started by a dispute between Black teens

The conservative author claimed on Friday's Bill Maher Show that the minors' identities were being protected because "It's not a white male."

¿Tenía razón Ann Coulter? Imágenes de TMZ muestran que el tiroteo en Kansas City pudo haber iniciado por una disputa entre adolescentes de color


On February 16, in a debate during Bill Maher's program, the conservative author Ann Coulter stated that the identity of the perpetrators of the shooting in Kansas City at the Chiefs' Superbowl victory parade was being protected by authorities because, in reality, the defendants "were not white."

That theory, based on some images obtained by TMZ, may have been verified this Sunday after the media published a video where several teenagers of color are seen arguing angrily just before the shooting was reported.

"I mean, we don't know who did (...) the Super Bowl shooting," Maher said Friday during his show.

"We have some idea," Coulter replied before giving her theory.

"If it were a white man shooting, we'd know," she continued.

"Do you think they were repressing that reporting?" Maher asked.

"They wouldn't tell us about the transgender woman that shot up the Christian school for what, like a year? (...) Remember the crazy terrorist Muslims? (...) He is not a white man. It's not a white male. The longer they go without telling you, it's not a white male," Coulter explained.

Maher ended the discussion by mocking the guest: "Well, we don't, for this one, for right now, as of Friday night, February 16th, we don't officially know (…) You know, you have special powers."

However, this Sunday, TMZ published exclusive images that may shed light on how the shooting started.

In the TMZ images, several teenagers of color can be seen gesturing angrily and threatening each other with their faces covered moments before the shooting began.

TMZ described the footage this way: "New video from the Kansas City shooting appears to show the exact moments before shots started to ring out -- and as the cops have indicated, there are teenagers in the mix here."

"TMZ has obtained footage that depicts the KC rally Wednesday at 1:48 PM CT -- right around the time the first reports of a shooting came in -- and eyewitnesses tell us that the young guys you see in the background got into a heated exchange with someone off camera," the outlet reported. "There are a few key players to focus on -- a teen in red, who you can see get angry and throw his bag down as he argues with someone who's not in clear view. There's also another teen in all black with a satchel-like bag hanging from his side, who walks toward the action."

"These 2, in particular, were recorded walking away from the shooting just moments later -- also seen in the footage we got -- and the young man in black looks to have been shot," TMZ stated.

The two young men mentioned by TMZ are teenagers of color.

After the videos were published this Sunday, Coulter took the opportunity to respond to Maher after his mockery on Friday: "Today, TMZ confirms my superpowers!"

Some conservative commentators, after the publication of the TMZ images, criticized the traditional media for not paying enough attention to the shooting in Kansas City and also showered praise for Ann Coulter and her Friday prediction.

"Ann Coulter is right about the lengths media and KC law enforcement have gone to protect their identities using 'they are juveniles' as a cover and everyone sees it," wrote author Stephen Miller.

At the time this article was published, authorities had not yet revealed the identities of the two accused in the shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs' victory parade.
