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Nicolás Maduro's regime prevents the registration of Corina Yoris, Maria Corina Machado's representative for the 'elections'

Although the nomination period has already begun, the National Electoral Council, controlled by the dictatorship, has not allowed the new opposition representative to register.

María Corina Machado y Corina Yoris

María Corina Machado and Corina Yoris (Courtesy of Vente Venezuela)

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The Venezuelan opposition leader, María Corina Machado, publicly condemned that the National Electoral Council (CNE), controlled by the Nicolás Maduro regime, is trying to prevent Corina Yoris' registration as a candidate for the illegitimate presidential elections that are scheduled for July.

Machado used social media to warn that the Venezuelan dictatorship is carrying out a "maneuver" to prevent Yoris from becoming "the candidate of the entire democratic unity of Venezuela."

The opposition political parties that support Yoris as a candidate explained that more than 72 hours have passed since the application period began. However, the CNE still has not given Yoris access to run.

"We ask for maximum attention from public opinion and the international community in the face of this worrying situation, which we hope will be resolved immediately," said the Voluntad Popular party.

Corina Yoris, the new representative of the opposition for the "elections"

This situation arose after Machado, who emerged as Nicolás Maduro's main rival at the polls, announced the decision to nominate Yoris as the new opposition representative due to her illegal disqualification by the Maduro regime.

María Corina Machado assured that the decision to nominate Yoris arose from a consensus among the unitary opposition forces to confront the obstacles imposed by the regime. Venezuela's main anti-Chavista coalition's nomination of Yoris is seen as a strategic step to maintain the opposition's participation in the electoral process.

"The regime intends to remove any option that means its defeat"

Given the new obstacles created by the regime, Pedro Urruchurtu, international coordinator of María Corina Machado's campaign, stated that Nicolás Maduro's objective is "to hinder and neutralize any vestige of challenge to his permanence in power."

"The regime intends to remove from the game any option that means its defeat," he said, highlighting that Machado has already been disqualified and that now it intends to do "the impossible" to prevent Yoris' nomination as a candidate.
