One child killed and two wounded in a shooting at a school in Finland
The alleged shooter is another 12-year-old boy. The attack took place at Viertola School in Vantaa, a suburb of the capital, Helsinki.

A 12-year-old boy was killed and two others were seriously injured in a shooting at an elementary school in a Tuesday morning shooting at a Finnish primary school, with Finnish police later announcing the arrest of a suspect, as reported by the country's Northern European media outlets.
The shooting took place at the Viertola school in Vantaa, a suburb of the capital, Helsinki, which has about 800 students from first to ninth grade and a staff of about 90 workers. Police said the shooting had injured an unknown number of people and that a suspect had been detained.
Officers responded to the scene shortly after 9 a.m., according to police in the Eastern Uusimaa region. Authorities asked residents of the area to keep away from the school and stay inside their homes.
The shooter, a 12-year-old boy
As hours passed, it was revealed that a 12-year-old boy was the one who opened fire at the school. The authorities said the wounded are three other children, one of whom eventually died.
The images shown by the Finnish newspaper Iltalehti show the arrest of the suspect, with two policemen holding the minor lying face down and the weapon with which he allegedly carried out the attack at the school.
Parents of children attending the school told Finnish media that the shooting had taken place in a classroom, and said they had spoken to their children on the phone. The children were kept in the classrooms and numerous parents came to the school, where they were attended to by the police, according to public television Yle and reported by AFP.