Argentina: A storm causes a roof to collapse, leaving at least 13 dead
The incident took place in Bahía Blanca during a skating competition. The crowd witnessed the roof collapsed due to bad weather.

(YouTube: Gol
A severe storm in Argentina caused the roof of a sports pavilion at the Bahiense del Norte Club to collapse, leaving at least 13 dead. The incident took place in Bahía Blanca, in the province of Buenos Aires, during a skating competition. There, the crowd witnessed the roof of the sports venue collapse due to a storm with 90 mph gusts of wind.
Mayor Federico Susbielles reported the tragic news. He posted the news on his X (formerly Twitter) account and asked people to exercise extreme caution:
Hours later, Susbielles updated the information and revealed that the number of fatalities remains at 13. In addition, he put into effect a town decree of 72 hours of mourning. Along with this, the mayor reminded residents of Bahía Blanca to stay home since they are still "in an emergency situation, with electrical risk and risk of falling trees and structures."
The Bahía Blanca Municipality reported in the early hours of the morning that emergency services managed to evacuate about 315 people from the town and will continue to work and provide help to anyone who needs it:
The storm is expected to subside throughout this Sunday. However, ABC reports, there could be rain throughout the day followed by clouds.
The new president of Argentina, Javier Milei, shows his solidarity with the victims
A few minutes after the roof collapsed, the new president of Argentina, Javier Milei, issued a statement about what happened. In it, the new Argentine president "deeply regretted the casualties" and sent his " deepest condolences to the families and loved ones":
The governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Áxel Kicillof, emphasized the joint "efforts" that his team and the Bahía Blanca authorities were making "within the framework of the Emergency Committee." Furthermore, like other leaders, he also assured that he has made "resources available to repair the consequences of this tragedy":