Video: Catholic faithful in Mexico share images of a virgin statue crying
Visits to the church with the Virgin of El Chanal in Colima have multiplied, while videos of the alleged miracle are going viral on social media.

(Captura de Youtube/Imagen Noticias)
The video of the statue of the Virgin of Sorrows appearing to shed tears in the Temple of the Resurrection in the community of El Chanal, Colima, went viral on social media, while the number of visitors to the church has multiplied.
Be cautious with the alleged miracle
For the moment, the Diocese of Colima has not commented on the alleged miracle, although many experts ask for caution, remembering that on numerous occasions, tears on a statue can have a scientific explanation, such as condensation, and some instances have even been scams. “The Catholic Church is very careful about these issues, and uses science where possible to detect fraud and other non-supernatural explanations,” Michael O'Neill, one of these specialists, told the Catholic News Agency.
It all started on Oct. 14, when several children were receiving catechism in the temple. One of the children, 9 years old, began to scream that the Virgin's eyes were beginning to shed tears. Since then, hundreds of believers and skeptics have flocked to the church to see the sight for themselves.