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The Baltimore bridge was partially demolished with controlled explosions

Authorities reported that in the next few hours, the ship that collided with the structure will be evaluated, and the debris will be collected.

Parte de la estructura de acero del puente Francis Scott Key se encuentra encima del buque portacontenedores Dali después de que el puente colapsara en Baltimore

Francis Scott Key Bridge (Kent Nishimura / AFP)

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This Monday, the Baltimore rescue team finally carried out the partial demolition of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, which collapsed at the end of March after a collision with a container ship.

The operation required dozens of explosives that had to be detonated in a coordinated manner to bring down the collapsed structure and thus free the 213 million-pound ship that was trapped in the rubble.

The detonation took place shortly after 5 pm and generated a strong explosion that made it possible to eliminate a section of the imposing structure that largely fell on the bow of the container ship Dali.

Salvage workers spent several days preparing for the detonation, including preparing the structure and creating openings in the steel beams to contain the miniature explosives.

Kurt Rauschenberg, spokesman for the Baltimore District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, described this meticulous operation as the quickest and safest option to remove the affected section of the bridge and remove the wreckage of the container ship.

Coast Guard Rear Admiral Shannon N. Gilreath, one of the leaders of the Unified Command charged with overseeing the response to the bridge incident, reported that the crew of the Dali remained on board during the explosions to address any eventuality that might arise, such as a fire or other emergency.

"That’s an important milestone for us, because it will allow us, now, over the next 48 hours, to assess the Dali and safely move it to a safer part of the port, and for us to go back in now and pick up the remaining roadway and steel truss at the bottom of the channel to meet our commitment of fully opening this channel by the end of the month," declared Lt. Gen. Scott Spellmon of the Army Corps of Engineers.

The Incident

The Dali became trapped under the bridge after losing power and veering off course, destroying the structure. In the tragic collapse on March 26, eight road construction workers, migrants from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, fell into the Patapsco River. Six of them lost their lives in the accident.

Investigations into the incident continue, with multiple federal and state agencies involved. It is hoped that the results of these investigations will clarify what happened to the Dali and shed light on the safety measures necessary to protect the bridges in the future.
