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Percentage of adults who identify as LGBT reaches new high

A Gallup poll revealed that "each younger generation is about twice as likely as the generation that preceded it to identify as LGBTQ+." The poll predicts that in three decades, the figure will equal 10% of the population.


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A new Gallup poll revealed that more than one in five young people belonging to Generation Z (ages 18-26) identify as LGBT. In the case of Millennials (27-42 years old), one in 10 says the same. The percentage is less than 5% for Generation X, 2% for Baby Boomers and only 1% for the Silent Generation.

Overall, the percentage of American adults who identify as LGBT increased to 7.6% in 2023. The figure marks a new high compared to that measured in 2020 (5.6%) and 3.5% in 2012, the year in which Gallup first recorded the sexual orientation and gender identity of citizens for the first time.

In 30 years, the LGBT population projected to reach 10%

Gallup predicts that within 30 years, the country's population that identifies as LGBT could reach 10%. It also predicted that each younger generation is almost twice as likely as the pervious generation to identify as LGBT.

The study noted, "Bisexual adults make up the largest proportion of the LGBTQ+ population -- 4.4% of U.S. adults and 57.3% of LGBTQ+ adults say they are bisexual":

Gay and lesbian are the next-most-common identities, each representing slightly over 1% of U.S. adults and roughly one in six LGBTQ+ adults. Slightly less than 1% of U.S. adults and about one in eight LGBTQ+ adults are transgender. The most commonly volunteered LGBTQ+ identities are pansexual and asexual, mentioned by less than 2% of LGBTQ+ adults each.