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Florida Surgeon General openly against reimplementing mask mandate

"What do you call re-imposing mask policies that have been proven ineffective?" wrote Dr. Joseph Ladapo on his X (Twitter) account.

Mujer llevando un cubrebocas mientras medita paseando por la calle.

(Engin Akyurt / Pixabay)

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Despite having been three years since COVID burst into our lives, it is continuing to cause problems. One of the latest is the mandated use of masks. The rise in cases and hospitalizations in the nation due to the coronavirus caused several schools, universities and even companies like Lionsgate to order students and employees to wear masks again.

However, scientists have doubts about their effectiveness. There are many studies that ensure that rather than protecting citizens against the coronavirus, masks can cause more harm than good. One of them is Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo. He spoke out against such policies on his X account (Twitter), ensuring that they are "ineffective":

He is not the only one openly against the return of mask mandates. In an interview with Just the News, Dr. Robert Malone also recommended citizens not to fall for "fear porn" and discouraged COVID-19 restrictions: "I personally believe that this is more fear porn. It's not justified. There's absolutely no evidence that there's going to be a need to reimpose," he stated.
