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Border Crisis: 24 Republican Governors Pledge to Help Texas

Florida immediately responded to Greg Abbott's SOS and announced the deployment of more than 1,000 troops to the southern border.

Un gran número de inmigrantes esperan para cruzar la frontera el día antes del fin del Título 42.

(Cordon Press)

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A total of 24 Republican governors have responded to the SOS launched by Texas Governor Greg Abbott to secure the border with Mexico. Abbott sent a letter in the last few hours asking his colleagues to deploy resources and help respond to the crisis generated after the lifting of Title 42 late last week.

Every state is a border state under Biden's open border policies

Republican governors responded favorably to the missive sent by Abbott to his 49 fellow governors. In it, Abbott denounced that "the flood of illegal border activity invited by the Biden Administration flows directly across the southern border into Texas communities, but this crisis does not stop in our state. Emboldened Mexican drug cartels and other transnational criminal enterprises are profiting from this chaos, introducing people and dangerous drugs like fentanyl into communities across the country."

In the absence of the federal government, we, as governors, must come together to combat President Biden's ongoing border crisis and ensure the security that all Americans deserve.

Governors Letter Border Support 1 by VozMedia on Scribd

Republican governors to help Texas defend its border

"The federal government's response to the expiration of Title 42 has represented a complete failure of the Biden Administration," the governors said in a joint statement. In this regard, the leaders are committed to safeguarding the border and the Americans living in that territory:

While the federal government has abdicated its duties, Republican governors are willing to protect the U.S.-Mexico border and keep families safe.

Title 42 allowed for the rapid removal of aliens who had entered the U.S. illegally in order to prevent the spread of disease during the health crisis generated by the covid pandemic. However, after its lifting, tens of thousands of immigrants are crowding the gates of the border states in an attempt to gain access to the country. Hence the SOS launched by the governor of Texas, one of the most affected states.

In this regard, Greg Abbott has been one of the most active leaders in border enforcement. Before the end of Title 42, he sent thousands of National Guard troops to respond to the emergency situation. Initiatives applauded by the rest of the Republican governors.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has exemplified leadership at a critical time, leading the way with Operation Lone Star, and deploying the Texas Border Tactical Force to prevent illegal crossings and keep the border secure," they said. "We support the efforts to secure the border led by Gov. Abbott.

Florida responds immediately and dispatches more than 1,100 troops

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was one of the first to respond to Abbott' s request. In a statement, he explained that just one hour after receiving the SOS, he is sending more than 1,100 troops, including 800 National Guard, to help secure the Texas-Mexico border.

Florida is ready to help defend the southern border and is deploying assets to assist with the Texas border security crisis. While Biden ignores the crisis he created, Florida is prepared to help Texas respond to this crisis.

Florida announced the deployment of more than 1,100 assets and resources, including 101 Florida Highway Patrol troopers, 200 Florida Department of Law Enforcement officers, 20 Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission officers, 800 Florida National Guard troopers and 20 Emergency Management personnel, including radio technicians, logisticians, mechanics and planners.
