Majority of Americans back sending immigrants to 'sanctuary cities'
Half of Americans also believe that the Justice Department should take action against cities or states that provide shelter to illegals.

(Cordon Press)
More than half of Americans approve of programs like Texas Governor Greg Abbott's program to move illegal immigrants from his border state to sanctuary cities like Chicago, New York and Washington, D.C.
The latest Rasmussen Reports poll found that 52% of Americans approve of Abbott's policies. In addition, 50% of voters believe that the Justice Department should take legal action against so-called sanctuary cities or states, which in theory provide aid and shelter to illegals. In 2017, Rasmussen Reports recalls, that proportion was much lower (42%).
The survey was conducted between the 12th and 13th, just before Florida sent two planes full of immigrants to Martha's Vineyard (Massachusetts). A decision with which DeSantis joined Governors Gregg Abbott of Texas and Doug Ducey of Arizona in their decision to send illegals to sanctuary states and cities. Prior to Martha's Vineyard; Washington DC, New York and Chicago were the destinations of choice for the shipment of these relocatees.
Border states will continue to send illegals to sanctuary cities
Texas then chartered two busloads of undocumented immigrants to Kamala Harris' residence in Washington D.C. The White House condemned these actions of relocating illegals as "cruel and inhumane." For their part, the border states defend the sending of immigrants and justify it in light of the Biden Administration's inaction to the immigration crisis. Texas Governor Gregg Abbot indicated that he will continue to send immigrants to sanctuary cities until Biden and Harris do their job.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis also lashed out against the policies of the sanctuary cities and stressed that "every community in America should share the burden," not just Republican states. In this sense, he pointed out that Florida will continue to facilitate the transportation of illegals to those states that boast of being a sanctuary for the undocumented.