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More and more Americans believe that immigration should decrease

The number of citizens who believe that immigration should decrease has shot up 10 points in two years. Only 27% are in favor of the arrival of more immigrants.

Inmigrantes frontera sur


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Twenty-seven percent of Americans believe immigration should increase compared to 31% who prefer it to remain at the current level and 38% who believe it should decrease. These are the data from the latest Gallup poll on immigration, which shows that in just two years, the number of citizens who want immigration to decrease has increased by ten points (from 28% to 38%).

Immigration survey

The Gallup poll, conducted July 5-26, reflects that support for immigration growth reached an all-time high of 34% two years ago and now stands at 27%. The number of citizens who prefer to keep it at the same level has also decreased. The data coincides with the at the border and President Biden's open borders policy - now reinforced with the elimination of the containment programs put in place by the Trump Administration.

In terms of political tendencies, those who are most committed to immigration control are the Republicans. Their preference for reducing immigration has increased 21 points since 2020 (from 48% to 69%). Among independents, their desire to control immigration has grown by five points (to 33%) and among Democrats by three points (to 17%).

Migratory control by political tendency

Positive view of immigration

Seven in ten Americans believe that, in general, immigration is a good thing for the country. On the other hand, 24% believe it is bad for the United States. The 70% who see immigration as a benefit in the latest survey is the lowest level since 2014, but it is well above the rejection recorded in the early 2000s, when just 52% viewed immigration as a positive thing.

Immigration assessment

Gallup does not specify in its question to its respondents whether it is referring to legal or illegal immigration. However, the latest party numbers are remarkably similar to the level of partisan concern about the illegal immigration problem when measured last March. At that time, Gallup found that 18% of Democrats, 39% of independents and 68% of Republicans said they were "very concerned" about illegal immigration.
