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Cardinal Cupich causes outrage by omitting Jesus' name and not condemning abortion at DNC

The Chicago archbishop simply referred to the "God of all creation" without mention of Jesus. He also did not speak out against the promotion of abortion during the DNC.

Cardinal Blase CupichPA Wire/PA Images / Cordon Press

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Cardinal Blase Cupich, the Catholic archbishop of Chicago, delivered an invocation during the second day of the Democratic National Convention (DNC). The cardinal was criticized mainly for not mentioning Jesus and for the fact that on the same day, organizations such as Planned Parenthood promoted abortion at the same event.

Cupich simply referred to the "God of all creation" without mentioning Jesus or condemning the anti-Christian values that were promoted in other speeches.

"And so we pray: may our nation become more fully a builder of peace in our wounded world, with the courage to imagine and pursue a loving future together. And may we, as individual Americans, become more fully the instrument of God's peace," said Cupich during his prayer.

Following Cupich's invocation, several organizations such as Illinois Right to Life issued statements criticizing the cardinal's failure to condemn the promotion of abortion.

"It is incredibly disheartening to see a local church leader who once aligned himself with our cause participate in such a deeply anti-life, anti-family event as the DNC," said Mary Kate Zander, president of Illinois Right to Life.

Zander argued that Kamala Harris' campaign represents the most anti-life and pro-abortion agenda in the history of the country.

"The Harris-Walz ticket is the most pro-abortion presidential ticket in U.S. history – and the Democratic party, particularly in Illinois, is more anti-life than it has ever been before. Cardinal Cupich missed a clear opportunity last night to condemn their vile, murderous policies and, in effect, betrayed the vibrant pro-life community that he once aligned himself with in our state," Zander highlighted.

Similar was the position taken by Catholic journalist Phil Lawler, who lamented that "nowhere in his invocation did Cardinal Cupich offer the slightest challenge to the perverse ideology that ruled the Democratic convention."

"The few passages in his prayer that might have been interpreted as references to current political issues sounded more like encouragement for the Democrats," Lawler highlighted in an article published by Catholic Culture.

Meanwhile, other pro-life organizations such as American Life League characterized the second day of the Democratic Convention as a "bloody wedding" because of Planned Parenthood's speech.

"Planned Parenthood has long been the driving force behind the culture of death. ... The Democratic party has been at the forefront of fueling the Planned Parenthood engine. Now that [Planned Parenthood] has chosen to provide free child killing at the DNC, the combination, or should we say bloody wedding, is complete. Let buyers beware lest they too become part of the national bloodbath. America is awash in the carnage," said Judie Brown, president of the American Life League.
