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Charles Crist compares himself to Jesus Christ and calls DeSantis "DeSatan"

The Democratic candidate for Florida governor also compared himself to Ukrainian President Vlodymyr Zelensky.

Charles Crist / Cordon Press.

Charles Crist / Cordon Press.

The Democratic candidate for governor of Florida, Charles Crist, participated in a campaign event in which he compared himself to Jesus Christ, taking advantage of the similarity with his own last name. At the same event he referred to his rival as "DeSatan.” This fact was captured on a video recorded by one of the event’s attendees.

In his speech, Charles Crist mentions the Ukrainian president, Vlodymyr Zelensky, by saying he is an "incredible" man, characterized by "courage, strength and decency.” He added, "This is an election about decency. About being decent to one another. About being kind to everyone. It’s called a Florida for all. We got a divider on the other side and a uniter over here." Ukrainian President Zelensky has banned political activity for ten opposing parties and imposed martial law for the duration of the war.

Then, after comparing himself to the president of Ukraine, Charles Crist makes another superlative comparison. He refers to his rival in the Florida gubernatorial election, Ron DeSantis, in these terms: "You know some people call him DeSatan? Have you heard that?" And then, he continues, "DeSatan versus that," and points to a sign on the wall with his name on it - Crist. "Think about it," he told the audience: In this election, "the alternative is clear: he's bad, and we're good."
