Trial against Hunter continues: Hallie Biden's testimony reveals devastating details about the president's son's gun Orlando Avendaño
Biden in serious trouble: Trump is tying in a state that has voted for Democratic candidates since 2008 Emmanuel Alejandro Rondón
According to the NYT, the Manhattan ruling caused many undecided voters to turn towards Trump Joaquín Núñez
Hunter's laptop was not "Russian disinformation" and is now a key piece in the trial against the president's son Vanessa Vallejo
Hillary Clinton suggested Trump is a Hitler-like threat and the former president's campaign responds: "Nobody takes her seriously" Sabrina Martin
Florida Supreme Court rules 6-1 in favor of DeSantis and removes "soft" crime prosecutor Joaquín Núñez
Former White House doctor's reaction to WSJ article on Biden's health: "He's got significant issues, he shouldn't have the job" Joaquín Núñez
Trump intensifies the search for his VP and investigates the backgrounds of Rubio, Vance, Scott and Burgum Joaquín Núñez
The Georgia Court of Appeals indefinitely froze Prosecutor Willis' case against Trump Emmanuel Alejandro Rondón
Trump warns he may take legal action against his opponents: 'It's very possible that it's gonna have to happen to them' Juan Peña
Openly gay California Democratic state lawmaker during Pride opening speech: 'The children are ours' Israel Duro
New Jersey primaries: A Democrat outside the local establishment and an 'openly gay' Republican will challenge Bob Menendez's Senate seat Emmanuel Alejandro Rondón
Trump promotes early voting for the presidential elections: 'We will use all appropriate tools to defeat the Democrats' Joaquín Núñez