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The cities that are paying to attract new residents

In 2023, more than 50,000 people applied for relocation programs nationwide.

El centro de Tulsa en Oklahoma

(Wikimedia Commons)

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In the last two years, the number of cities that have enacted measures to promote the growth of their population has grown. To this end, various relocation incentives have been created. From cash payments to work spaces, this is what some places offer to attract new residents.

"Communities across the country are offering incentives like cash, vouchers, and working space for workers willing to make a move. Some communities want remote workers, some want in-person, and some want a mix, so there's plenty of possible new homes to consider! Our easy-to-use marketplace makes it simple to find and apply to the right place, and our team will make your move process rewarding and hassle-free," explains MakeMyMove.com, an online marketplace that connects remote workers with bidding locations in the country.

This is the case of Tulsa, Okla. The city created Tulsa Remote which, according to the program's official page, "is building and fostering a thriving remote work community in Tulsa. We offer resources to help newcomers thrive, an active and supportive community, and $10,000 to help you make Tulsa your new home."

All disbursements are delivered after approved members have (1) signed a qualifying lease or purchased a qualifying home, (2) completed their move to Tulsa, and (3) attended member orientation.

Similar is the Ascend West Virginia program. With the participation of five communities, it is a public-private collaboration.

"As if life in West Virginia isn’t prize enough, we’ll actually pay you $12,000 to move here. No strings attached. Over the course of the first year in your new mountain town, you’ll receive $10,000. That’s right. You’ll get $10-grand just for moving here. When you fall in love with Almost Heaven (and we’re sure you will) you’ll receive an additional $2,000 for your second year in West Virginia. Whether you put this $12,000 towards a new car for scenic drives down our country roads or a new mountain bike, it’s totally up to you. It’s true what they say: Money goes further in the mountains," Ascend West Virginia said.

Meanwhile, in an area known as Shoals, which spans four major cities and two counties in the northwest region of Alabama, there is a program called Remote Shoals that offers skilled workers up to $10,000.

"It takes time, money, and careful planning to move to a new city. We’ll give you 25% up front to help with the costs of relocating, another 25% after your first 6 months in the Shoals, and the remaining 50% when you’ve completed your first year here," the program detailed.

And in New York state there are options too. Rochester offers its Greater ROC Remote program in which it gives $10,000 in grants and incentives (plus another $9,000 for home purchase grants).

"Are you a full-time remote worker ready to make your big move? Greater ROC Remote is your opportunity. Participants are eligible for up to $19,000 in grants – including a $10,000 direct relocation incentive!" the program maintains.

Meanwhile, the American dream can also be fulfilled in Topeka, Kan. It is the capital of Kansas, a city that is helping people who decide to make their lives there. It has a policy that provides up to $10,000 in rental funds for the first year and up to $15,000 for the purchase of a home.

"Choose Topeka as your new home and you could get up to $15,000 in your pocket. This exciting program partners with Shawnee County employers to select talented professionals like you to relocate to Topeka and the Shawnee County community," explained the city's official website.

All of these proposals come at a time when the number of cities offering such incentives has more than doubled in recent years. "The pandemic generated a seismic change in work culture and, in 2023, more than 50,000 people applied for programs across the country through the platform," CNN explained.
