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Jerusalem Deputy Mayor, Fleur Hassan, to Voz Media: the massacre of October 7 is "the most cruel thing that has happened in the territory of Israel"

Hassan was at home in the Israeli capital when Hamas terrorists attacked: "I didn't know if it was a nightmare or reality. They pushed us to start a war that we didn't want."

Entrevista a Fleur Hassan

(Voz Media)

"The most cruel thing that has happened in the territory of Israel," with these words, the deputy mayor of Jerusalem, Fleur Hassan, described exclusively for Voz Media, how Israelis suffered the massacre carried out by the Hamas terrorists on October 7 in its territory that left more than 1,200 dead and two hundred hostages:

It was very tragic, the massacre killed innocent children in front of their parents, parents in front of their children, it is the most cruel thing, rapes of women, of men, the most cruel thing that has happened in the territory of Israel.

Hassan was at his residence in the Israeli capital at the time terrorists attacked on October 7: "I didn't know if it was a nightmare or a reality, we couldn't imagine it. We didn't want this cruel war, they pushed us to start a war that we didn't want."

The vice mayor of Jerusalem, Fleur Hassan, in the Voz Media studios.

The vice mayor assured that despite the atmosphere of "tension" felt in Jerusalem, her administration has managed "the ties between Jews and Arabs so that coexistence is better":

There is more tension, but it has remained calm. We have had two attacks. Something very tragic for the families. But we have managed the ties between the Jews and the Arabs so that coexistence is better.

The US position

Regarding the support for Hamas terrorists shown by some Biden Administration officials such as Democratic Representative Rashida Tlaib, the deputy mayor assured that this particular case has no relevance: "Rashida Tlaib has always been problematic, she has been hostile for many years."

When asked what the US response or position would have been like if the conflict had broken out with another Administration in charge of the nation, Hassan pointed out that although it is difficult to predict," maybe with another government Hamas would not have started the war."

South Africa's complaint in The Hague

Hassan also described as "ridiculous" the accusation filed by the socialist regime of South Africa against Israel before the International Court of Justice that accuses Jerusalem of genocide and indicated that Pretoria "are the spokespersons for Hamas."

The complaint is ridiculous and more so from a country like South Africa that is a leader in kidnappings, rapes and massacres in the world. They are the spokespersons for Hamas and have a very strong link with Iran. They have a Hamas office.

South Africa has asked magistrates in The Hague to take urgent and precautionary measures to stop the Israeli anti-terrorist campaign in the Strip. From Jerusalem they accuse Pretoria of functioning as "the armed legal arm" of the terrorist group Hamas.

Watch the full interview here:
