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Hispanics "frustrated" with Biden Administration

A survey conducted by the Bienvenido organization reflects how the Hispanic vote is moving closer to the Republican Party.

Los hispanos en Estados Unidos son la minoría más numerosa.

(Raji Perera - Unsplash)

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Hispanic voters are "frustrated" with the Biden Administration's performance and believe that "the country is headed in the wrong direction." The members of this community are very dissatisfied with the president's policies to combat inflation, crime, the economy and gender indoctrination in schools. The WPA Intelligence and Visto Media survey for the Bienvenido organization also shows an overwhelming rejection of far-left abortion initiatives.

According to this poll, in the upcoming midterms the Hispanic vote could set a record in favor of the Republican Party. The Hispanic community has traditionally been considered Democratic. In 2018 there was a 40 point difference between the two parties among members of this community. This gap, according to WPA Intelligence data, could be reduced by almost half this time. Therefore, 54% of Hispanics would opt for the Democratic Party, while 33% would vote Republican, which would result in a 21 point difference, with 13% left undecided.

"Off on the wrong track"

In addition, 56% of Hispanics see "things in the country are off on the wrong track" versus 44% who say they are "generally headed in the right direction." In addition, Joe Biden's 53% approval rating among this community is one of the lowest among Democratic leaders. This is confirmed when asked whether the president should run for re-election in 2024. Fifty six percent believe he should not, compared to 44% who think he should.

An overwhelming majority of Hispanics consider that the government is failing when it comes to two of the main concerns of this community: crime and economic performance. Sixty percent believe that crime is getting worse compared to 22% who believe it has gotten better. The data is even more conclusive with respect to the economy: 74% of those surveyed say that the economic situation is fair or poor, compared to 26% who say it is good or excellent.

"Lack of confidence in the current leadership in Washington"

According to Abraham Enriquez, founder of Bienvenido, "our community is clearly frustrated with the direction of the country. Most Hispanics believe that the economy is in bad shape and that crime is getting worse. There is also a lack of confidence in the current leadership in Washington."

The main concern for Hispanics, according to WPA Intelligence, would be the cost of living and inflation. It is followed by work, the economic situation and healthcare. In addition, in fourth place is crime, with climate change in fifth place. It should be noted that the latter has been included by the votes of Democratic and liberal-leaning Hispanics.

Cost of living and inflation top Hispanic concerns

One of the myths that this survey dismantles is this community's alleged support for abortion policies, starting with the idea that abortion should always be legal. However, when presented with concrete situations, eight out of ten respondents are in favor of limiting abortions to 15 weeks or even less. Very few agree with allowing it past the point of fetal viability.

There is also a significant number of Hispanics (57%) who consider gender indoctrination in school to be "inappropriate." Thirty-one percent agree, while another 11% are not sure what to think about it. This community rejects drag queen performances in front of minors: 61% reject it, compared to 24% who support it and 15% who are undecided.

Rejection of gender indoctrination in schools

However, despite this union of moderate or conservative values, Hispanic voters continue to prefer the Democratic Party in greater numbers. This is something that Chris Wilson, CEO of WPA analyzes:

Ever since Ronald Reagan said, 'Hispanics are Republicans, they just don't know it yet,' GOP politicians and operatives have often assumed that they could improve their margins with Latinos by focusing on religious and social issues. These assumptions were not entirely off. Hispanics tend to have socially conservative leanings, but these leanings have not materialized in the GOP winning the national Hispanic vote. Republicans would be well-served if they better understood why Latinos, who largely identify as "moderates," prioritize kitchen table issues over cultural matters.

Debunking myths about immigration and victimhood

It also analyzes Hispanics' views on immigration. In contrast to a simplistic view, which indicates that this is an issue that only interests them if there is talk of amnesty, the survey reveals that they defend it, in the words of Abraham Enríquez, "This includes a legislative solution for illegal immigrants who pass background checks, stronger border security, deporting criminals, and encouraging immigrants to learn English and embrace American values."

Related to this, Bienvenido's president stressed that his community rejects victimhood and believes in the American dream:

Liberal activists have tried convincing Hispanics to view ourselves as victims in America — and they have failed. Our community believes in personal responsibility and the power of the American Dream because we have been successful in this great country. Shame on all, especially the liberal Spanish networks, who want Hispanics to adopt a victimhood mentality while living in the freest and most prosperous nation in the history of the world.