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Afghanistan: Taliban humiliate US by displaying military equipment abandoned during US withdrawal and with Chinese and Iranian guests

With the presence of diplomats from China and Iran, the terrorist group celebrated three years in power with a military parade at the former U.S. base in Bagram.

Taliban military parade in Afghanistan.Sanaullah Seiam / AFP.

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The Talibans on Wednesday celebrated the third anniversary of their return to power in Afghanistan after the disastrous US withdrawal from that country. The celebrations took place with a military parade at the former U.S. air base at Bagram, north of Kabul, with U.S.-made equipment and guests from Iran and China.

The event took place while the horrific images of Afghans hanging from planes to flee are still etched in the world's memory and represent a major stain on the administration of President Joe Biden.

Leaders of the terrorist organization now ruling Afghanistan praised their army for bringing "peace and security" and extolled the strengthening of the laws of Shariah (Islamic law).

The Associated Press news agency noted that the jihadist leaders directed their speeches to the entire world and included a call for Afghan exiles to return to their country.

The terrorist leaders also urged the West to cooperate with the Afghan authorities, who have only official recognition from China, although they maintain friendly relations with countries such as Russia, Pakistan, Iran and Qatar.

It should be noted that Chinese state television CGTN favorably covered the Taliban celebrations in Afghanistan.

Afghan Deputy Prime Minister Maulvi Abdul Kabir expressed, "The Islamic Emirate has eradicated internal disputes and expanded unity and cooperation in the country." He added: "No one will be allowed to interfere in Afghanistan's internal affairs, and its land will not be used against any other country."

During the event, which was attended by around 10,000 people - including diplomats from Iran and China - terrorists paraded with Soviet-era tanks and howitzers, US equipment abandoned during the 2021 withdrawal and a large number of motorcycles equipped with yellow jerry cans, recalling the use of these containers as improvised bombs during the war against the United States and its allies.

At Afghanistan's National Stadium, an all-male crowd enjoyed displays of athletics and parkour, and chanted religious songs.

In the 'Green Zone,' formerly a secure area for foreign embassies, children walked with the country's white flag chanting "We are ready to commit suicide!".

Taliban celebrate, civilians suffer

Despite the celebrations, the situation for Afghans remains harsh. Women's lives have been restricted again, being forced to be virtually confined to their homes.

According to international humanitarian organizations, some 24,000,000 Afghans live at or below the destitution line. Likewise, unemployment has reached extremely high levels.

The Biden Administration's catastrophic withdrawal in 2021

In February 2020, the Trump Administration signed an agreement with the Taliban in which Washington pledged to gradually withdraw its troops from the country in exchange for the Islamic terrorists not attacking Americans and cutting ties with radical Islamist organizations such as Al Qaeda.

However, the Taliban's rapid dismantling of the Afghan government resulted in a hasty and deadly departure of U.S. troops from the country, leaving millions of dollars worth of U.S. equipment in the hands of the terrorists, some of which was on display during Wednesday's celebrations.

While the Biden administration planned to withdraw troops in September 2021, following the fall of the Afghan government and the Taliban takeover of large parts of the country, it decided to do so in mid-August, and shortly before the fall of Kabul handed over the U.S. base at Bagram with military equipment and a jihadist prisoner population estimated at about 5,000 men. One of those terrorists was later identified as the suicide bomber responsible for the massacre of 170 Afghans and 13 U.S. service members at Kabul International Airport on Aug. 26, 2021.
