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The UN and its agencies continue to ignore Israeli deaths: UNICEF publishes a "shameful" statement condemning only the losses in Gaza

“The lives of Israeli children have no value to you,” Israel commented indignantly after reading the publication.

Dozens of shoes and posters put up by the Israeli community in Barcelona commemorate the abductions and children killed since October 7th

(Cordon Press)

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The UN and its agencies continue to downplay the human losses that Israel has suffered due to the attacks committed by Hamas. This time it was UNICEF that condemned only the deaths in Gaza, ignoring all the deaths suffered by Israel due to the terrorist attacks.

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) published a statement talking about the children who have been affected in the Gaza Strip by the conflict between Hamas and Israel. However, it completely omits the thousands of Israeli children who have been attacked by the Palestinian terrorist group since October 7.

Unicef ​​shows “its true face”

After the statement, Israel shared with obvious indignation a statement in which it pointed out that the United Nations agency is showing its true colors by not mentioning a single word about the more than 30 children who have been kidnapped by Hamas, nor about the dozens of Israeli minors who were "burned, executed and massacred" in front of their parents.

The lives of Israeli children have no value to you. Shameful,” Israel expressed, also highlighting that thousands of young Israelis have been attacked by the more than 8,000 rockets fired by Hamas.

Hamas' youngest hostage is 9 months old

Unicef seems to be forgetting that the Yahidist group has approximately 224 hostages, one of whom is only 9 months old , according to Francisco Tropepi, minister in charge of the Argentine embassy in Israel.

"This is a crime against humanity. Let whoever has to intercede intercede," said Tropepi.

The UN turns its back on Israel

UNICEF is not the only UN agency that seems to ignore that it was the Hamas terrorist group that started the war by massacring more than 1,400 Israelis in a surprise attack in Israel.

Shortly after the October 7 attack, the UN Human Rights Council posted a video in which Ambassador Zaman Mehdi, deputy representative of Pakistan, appears suggesting that the Jewish State was responsible for the war due to “more than seven decades of illegal foreign occupation, aggression and disrespect for the international law.”

In the video, UN members observed a minute of silence "for the loss of innocent lives in the occupied Palestinian territory and elsewhere,” without mentioning the Israeli victims.

UN Secretary General António Guterres himself gave a similar speech justifying Hamas' attacks by stating that the terrorist group's massacre did not come out of nowhere.

“The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled, their people displaced and their homes demolished. Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing,” he said.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) also published a statement calling for “responding to the crisis in the occupied Palestinian territories.”

UNESCO also issued a statement talking about how the Israeli army's operations have caused a "serious humanitarian crisis" in Gaza without ever mentioning the damage caused by Hamas to Israel.

120 UN countries side with Hamas

More recently in The United Nations, a vote was carried out where the majority of its members (120 countries) voted in favor of a resolution which does not even specifically mention Hamas or the attacks it carried out, but does ask Israel to cease “hostilities” in Gaza.
