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The youngest Hamas hostage is a nine-month-old Argentine baby

The information came from Francisco Tropepi, minister in charge of the Argentine embassy in Tel Aviv.

Hamás lanzó un ataque terrorista contra Israel

Miembros de Hamás irrumpiendo en territorio israelí | (Cordon Press)

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Hamas, the Jahedi group that is at war with Israel, holds approximately 224 hostages in the Gaza Strip. Although mostly Israeli, the nationalities and ages of this group are very diverse. Indeed, it recently emerged the age of the youngest hostage who remains captive in the clutches of the terrorists.

Francisco Tropepi, minister in charge of the Argentine embassy in Israel, was in charge of revealing the data. "The youngest hostage is an Argentine baby (Kfir) who is only nine months old. It is very hard to talk about such painful topics." At the same time, he also confirmed that among the 224 hostages, 30 are minors.

The boy's aunt, Giselle Edelstein, spoke to a local radio station (Radio Rivadavia) and stated they know "absolutely nothing" about the child's health status. "This is a crime against humanity. Let whoever has to intercede intercede." she added, and then asked for the release of "all the hostages."

The official also described what he has experienced since the first Hamas terrorist attacks began a little less than a month ago. "We have had to take shelter almost every day since October 7, almost always several times a day. Those who live in the south of Tel Aviv more than those of us who live in the Embassy area in Herzliya," he said.

"We have had to interrupt conversations with Argentine authorities because we had to run to take refuge. From a psychological and emotional point of view, it is a challenge to maintain focus on work and support our families, colleagues and friends in a context that requires constant maximum alert," added Tropepi.

The Argentine government is working closely with Benjamin Netanyahu's administration to release the baby. Indeed, Argentina is the second country with the most hostages in the Gaza Strip,15 hostages, of course, behind Israel. Next are Germany and the United States, both with 12 hostages, followed by France and Russia, both with six.

Finally, Tropepi revealed that the most delicate situation he had to solve was that of Argentine tourists who were visiting to celebrate the Jewish holidays of Sukkot with their families or to carry out Christian pilgrimages.

"They were the most vulnerable because they did not have a fixed address in Israel and many even had to change hotels, generating greater vulnerability because they lacked extensive medical coverage, unlike the residents, or directly because they were adolescents and minors, unaccompanied by their parents. Residents of Israel of Argentine origin have also been given attention and repatriated immediately after the previous cases were resolved," he concluded.
