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Wife of 'Never Trumper' Max Boot indicted for unlawfully acting as a foreign agent

A New York court filed a brief charging Sue Mi Terry with conspiring against federal law by collaborating with the South Korean government without notice.

Max Boot, a supporter of the "Never Trump" movementU.S. Naval War College / Flickr

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A New York jury indicted Sue Mi Terry, a former CIA analyst and wife of "Never Trumper" Max Boot, of acting as a foreign agent for the South Korean government.

The indictment, as reported by The New York Times, noted that Terry "did not register as a foreign agent with American officials, as required by law" when she worked for the South Korean administration in 2013. In addition, she is believed to have "conspired" to violate the law requiring citizens who collaborate with foreign governments to register.

"Despite engaging in extensive activities for and at the direction of" the South Korean government, Terry did not register as a foreign agent with the U.S., which is legally required. She faces two counts, one for failing to register under the federal Foreign Agents Registration Act, and the other for conspiring to violate it, the court said.

Max Boot: From conservative to 'Never Trumper'

Terry's husband was an avid promoter of conservative ideas. Boot came to strongly defend the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the policy of keeping the U.S. military in that country. "Having active bases would allow us to project power and influence in the region," he wrote in an opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal.

However, his alignment with conservatism has been diluted over time, to such an extent that, with the arrival of Donald Trump to the leadership of the Republican Party, he called on Americans to vote for the Democratic Party. He eventually ended up linking himself to the Never Trump movement, as reported Breitbart.

His antipathy toward the Republican candidate was also reflected when he called for Trump to be questioned and tried by Congress for his alleged illicit collaboration with Russia and Vladimir Putin. In addition, he argued that the information uncovered by The New York Post about Hunter Biden's laptop was a hoax.
