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US military deploys new cyber missile technology as part of Aukus alliance

The Multi-Domain Task Force (MDTF) located in the Pacific is equipped with "cyber warfare units," including: "Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) weapons."

Soldados estadounidenses del 2º Batallón, 112º Regimiento de Infantería, 56º Equipo de Combate de Brigada Stryker, 28ª División de Infantería de la Guardia Nacional de Pensilvania y sus familias reciben un reconocimiento durante una ceremonia en el Auditorio del Santuario de Zembo en Harrisburg, Pensilvania, el 17 de diciembre de 2023. Los soldados dejarán sus hogares y familias durante aproximadamente un año para desplegarse en el Cuerno de África, apoyando al Mando de África de los Estados Unidos y a las fuerzas asociadas en sus objetivos de seguridad en la región. Durante la ceremonia, el Gobernador Josh Shapiro, el General de División Mark Schindler, el Coronel Christopher Costello y el Teniente Coronel Eric Ponzek compartieron comentarios.

(Cordon Press)

The Army's Multi-Domain Task Force (MDTF), located in the Pacific, is a military unit that is armed with new cutting-edge technologies: "high-altitude balloons, Precision Strike Missiles, cyber warfare units and unmanned systems," as revealed by The Telegraph.

The unit's new technology is part of the Aukus defense alliance (which is made up of Australia, the United Kingdom and the U.S.). According to the agreement: "Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States are pooling the talents of our defen[s]e sectors to cataly[z]e, at an unprecedented pace, the delivery of advanced capabilities."

The new technology

Within the unit, there is the Aukus Pillar 1 which focuses on nuclear-powered submarines. Likewise, Pillar 2 which involves advanced capabilities, including hypersonic weapons, quantum computing and artificial intelligence.

Among the more technological weaponry, the MDTF also has "Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) weapons," mobile rocket artillery essential for rapid deployment and strike capability. "The addition of Mid-Range and Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon batteries further strengthens the task force’s ability to deliver precise, long-range strikes crucial for penetrating – and crippling – sophisticated air defen[s]e networks."

Colonel Michael Rose, commander of the MDTF, commented on the importance of the new technological efforts:

We have a continued set of work with the Australians and now, more and more, the United Kingdom partners, to build coordination mechanisms so that we can really accelerate our interoperability and ultimately achieve interchangeability.

According to The Telegraph:

It is hoped that by integrating cyber, space, and electromagnetic spectrum capabilities, the MDTF can disrupt enemy communications, gather crucial intelligence, and protect its networks from cyber threats. The MDTF’s Intelligence, Information, Cyber, Electronic Warfare, and Space battalion forms the backbone of these efforts, bringing together military intelligence, signal companies, and extended-range sensing capabilities. This is vital for the MDTF’s ability to operate independently in remote and contested areas.